Originally Posted by BigVanVader
I gotta say some of the vaccination protocols don't make any sense. I certainly think you do need many of them and in most cases there is nothing to worry about, but some are questionable and I feel as a parent I should be able to decide if and when I have my child vaccinated. Forced anything is simply wrong. All people should have the right to make their own informed decisions without ridicule. My daughter can't even go to school or daycare now without all her vaccinations. The last round caused some pretty severe side effects and she kept crossing her eyes afterwards which scares the blank out of me.
Granddaughter just turned two. Lost track of how many shots she's had but it's a lot! My daughter wouldn't let them give her group shots. A couple of times she had to have the combo shots. It's amazing how miserable she gets from these things. I hope there's no repercussions in the future for her.