Originally Posted by JLJ_
I've tried to keep an eye on your DLH progress but haven't had much time this summer . . . are some DLH seeds producing non-hearts? If so, it might be useful for growers to observe baby fruit conformation and keep an eye on it as it progresses. Something I've seen with the Indian Stripe Heart? fruit is that sometimes -- not always -- fruit that is clearly baby hearts becomes rounder as the fruit grows larger -- sometimes to the point that fruit that began as baby hearts is, er, "basketball shaped hearts" if it grows large enough. Just one component of "is it a heart or isn't it" evaluation. But DLH has seemed to produce mostly clear hearts even when grown to large maturity, hasn't it?
JLJ- all of the seeds provided by Dutch and my original seeds have produced nothing but blunt hearts. I have feedback from 6 people locally, and a few others on here are also observing hearts. I opened up the growout thread (link above) so that others could post pictures or observations, but no one has quite yet. Most of my seed requests were from the Midwest or Northwest, so their seasons are a bit later than mine. I expect some pictures and feedback will be forthcoming soon. A few folks had poor or no germination, others grew only one plant that was lost to disease, etc. But every plant thus far has produced hearts. So it appears to be stable in that regard.