Originally Posted by AKmark
Hey Chef, Hydrogardens sells it, they also claim it is superior to other knockoffs. I buy it in 25lb bags, one does 2500 gallons of water at 1500PPM. I am pretty sure you can buy it in 5lb containers too.
Dry ferts are much more concentrated than any liquids could be, you don't buy the water. When you look at money spent versus what you get, it becomes clear. However, they are more complicated to use, you cannot mix P and Ca in concentrates, so you must have two stock tanks.
Look on HG website it is good stuff.
Fair enough. But I have like 12 planters going, so is it really all that cost effective? And I am not using a drip system so Im not weeing how I can utilize any of this. But I always find your advice fascinating and try to take some of it that makes sense to apply in my situation.