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Old July 25, 2007   #1
TomatoDon's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: MS
Posts: 1,523
Default Top Pruning

Almost all of my best tomatoes have been from the botton two feet of the plant. Of the many 6 foot plants I have (far outgrown the cages and are sprawling now) nothing has been produced in the top half. Plenty of blooms and baby fruit, but I can tell nothing is going to happen there. Not the big stuff anyway. (I'm dealing with a majority of beefsteaks and larger fruited varieties.)

It seems all the good stuff is in the bottom 2 feet, maybe 3, of the plant. If so, what's the harm is lopping off all this top growth and try to force the energy to to stay in the bottom part of the plant where all the real action is? On the smaller fruited varieties it may not matter much, but all the big fruit with the beefsteaks and larger fruited varieties is being produced low. I just love these baseball and larger sized fruit. I think going to whack the tops off of some and see what happens. Nothing going on up there anyway but more and more foliage.


Zone 7B, N. MS
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