March 20, 2018 | #1 |
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: N.E. Wisconsin
Posts: 308
Cubanelle replant success!!
Early last Sat. morning I went about reseeding because after 2 weeks the Cubanelle just weren't germinating in the 4 sections of my 8 section tray. I very carefully found the seeds all were inert not a good sign, so I removed them and reseeded each of the 4 sections with seed I had soaked in water for 24hrs.. You can imagine how surprised I was this morning when I was checking my grow box I do this 2 or 3 times every day, I have tomato & Shish-ito pepper seedlings that are starting to develop true leaves and I'm holding back fertilizing them til all have developed true leaves. I 'm lloking atthe 4sections where I reseeded the Cubanelle and in just 4 days I see 3 sections have tiny plants starting to emerge... Success I don't know if watering the seeds for 24hrs made the difference or not, but I sure am happy! Here's a pic of the 4 sections I reseeded.