Originally Posted by pondgardener
Both of my father's parents immigrated over a 100 years ago from Terna, Czechoslovakia which I believe is part of Slovakia now. Visiting my grandmother when she was alive, I don't seem to recall her growing or even using tomatoes in any of her cooking or my parents as I was growing up. And it wasn't until I got married to an Italian, that I started to have much use for tomatoes. In what ways are tomatoes used in your country, other than eaten whole or used in soups?
Slovakia is a historical territory, which until 1918 was part of Hungary (within Austria-Hungary), then part of Czechoslovakia. Today it is a separate state Slovak Republic. Terňa Village can be found on Googlemaps. It is in the east of Slovakia, today it has about 1200 inhabitants. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was a poor region (like the northern mountainous part of Slovakia), where it was hard to live, and so many people moved to America. That's why there are more Slovaks than Czechs in the US.
I also do not remember tomatoes used much in the kitchen. Perhaps only tomato soup and tomato sauce with boiled beef or peppers stuffed with minced meat. Italian cuisine is also boiled today - mainly by young families.