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Old April 27, 2019   #11
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Branson MO
Posts: 441

Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
If people think that an electric car is the answer they need to think again.
63% of the electricity in the US is made by fossil fuel.
If your area is powered by fossil fuel you are simply moving the carbon emissions from you to the supplier.
Not in my back yard isn't the answer and this seems to be the problem with most people.
That or ignorance of energy.
Hydro electric dams are not friendly either the concrete production plants put out a huge amount of Co2 to mention but a few of the environmental damages they do.
If the rivers dry up they wont be any good anyway.

The internet puts out a good amount of Co2.
Electric cars will be part of the answer, but we have so many ways to generate electricity from renewable sources, and technology for these methods is constantly advancing. Fossil fuels will eventually become obsolete as the horse and buggy has simply because people will move on from it.

There will always be naysayers who will attempt to cling to outdated methods and products, but there is a better future for us if we decide we want it.
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