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Old March 31, 2008   #1
BVGardener's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Texas
Posts: 542
Default My Garden Crisis - it's over - Good News & Bad

I've always said that rain is like steroids to tomato plants. At least that is what I have always observed and not just tomato plants. I had written off full grown eggplants to being completely dead a couple of years ago only to receive a nice rain shower and within two days those same eggplants were perfect in health.

I was hoping for a light rain shower last week and that is what I received. Last Friday night, we received a nice, very light rain shower. It was so light that even though I did not have any mulch down, there was no backsplash on the plants. And the great thing is that I received yet another of those rain showers Saturday night.

Here are a couple of photos of what is fairly representative in the garden. I did have to prune some of the damaged foliage on some plants.

Talk about doing a 180 as far as things taking a major turn for the better. But along with the good news there is a great deal of bad. I did get hit pretty hard as far as plants that did not make it. A few plants I pulled to check the root systems. But I did lose a good 24+ varieties.

As you can see, I only have a small amount of mulch applied but should have that completed on Tuesday.

So let me finish this post with a bit more good news....I observed the first variety to start developing fruit of the season.

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