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Old April 4, 2008   #1
dan71314's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Lubbock
Posts: 7
Default more tomato problems from the newbie

So, last week we determined that my seedlings were getting too much water. I stopped watering them so much, but the leaves remain yellow and it does not seem that they are growing at all. They are almost five weeks old and only a few have begun to set the first set of true leaves. My patience is being tested. I am sort of a perfectionist (so I am finding out) and I just keep racking my brain, trying to figure out a solution, but alas, more frustration. I am taking this too seriously, in mean, in nature plants are started all the time (most of the time) without the aid of us human beings. Anyway, can anyone tell me what is going on. Why are my seedlings refusing to grow?
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