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Old October 2, 2008   #1
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Default Looking for NCTomatoMan (Gary)

Does anyone know whatever happened to this member? I corresponded with him a lot late last year and the beginning of 2008. I have not seen any posts lately. I know he's a SSE member.

I'd love to hear from him at least to know he's alright. Any help / knowlege is appreciated. Last time we wrote, he mentioned having computer problems. That was quite a while ago.

I'm writing on the pepper forum because I know he was passionate about this and eggplants!

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Old October 3, 2008   #2
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Are you talking about nctomatoman (Craig Lehoullier)?
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Old October 3, 2008   #3
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[quote=cmpman1974;110259]Does anyone know whatever happened to this member? I corresponded with him a lot late last year and the beginning of 2008. I have not seen any posts lately. I know he's a SSE member.

I'd love to hear from him at least to know he's alright. Any help / knowlege is appreciated. Last time we wrote, he mentioned having computer problems. That was quite a while ago.

I'm writing on the pepper forum because I know he was passionate about this and eggplants!

Chris, I think you must be talking about Craig LeHoullier b'c he is an SSE member but doesn't list anything these days and is a huge lover of peppers and eggplant.

Craig and I have been friends for about 20 years now and are always in touch. Currently he and his wife are on vacation at Okacroke Is while his one daughter who lives with them takes care of the house and pets.

Craig has had a very very rough year and has not posted much at all except in the Dwarf Project Forums.

He was excessed from the place where he worked into retirement, was making that transition, lost his father, his wife lost two family members and I could go on and on.

I think once things settle down perhaps he might be back posting more.

There are so many Gary's here, as you indicated after nctomatoman and I know a few of them but none meet your criterion of loving peppers and eggplant.
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Old October 3, 2008   #4
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Hey - am alive and well and taking a break from as much as possible! Thanks for a pretty good explanation, Carolyn - the past 1.5 years has been a bit exhausting, and this past gardening season was pretty intense. So, with "retirement" (ha busier than I was working at my former company, it seems) here, I am trying to sort out exactly what I want to do. A fly in the ointment - a good fly, mind you - is an unexpected bit of consulting work that popped up almost immediately that is taking me to Boston here and there. Tomorrow we are indeed off to Ocracoke Island for two weeks - me, Sue and our two dogs, with our kayaks. Hope to get deep into my tomato book there. Also to have a good think about where the dwarf project is, what I and others saw this past year, and where it is going. Following week to Boston again.

Anyway - right now listening to my beloved Red Sox streaming on my laptop, then to bed, then to the beach. Have a good few weeks, all!
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Old October 7, 2008   #5
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It's nice to hear from NCTomatoMan, but I must admit I had the name wrong. THe individual was Gary M who lives in NC and does have a passion for eggplant and peppers. I know many fit that description though. lol.


Originally Posted by cmpman1974 View Post
Does anyone know whatever happened to this member? I corresponded with him a lot late last year and the beginning of 2008. I have not seen any posts lately. I know he's a SSE member.

I'd love to hear from him at least to know he's alright. Any help / knowlege is appreciated. Last time we wrote, he mentioned having computer problems. That was quite a while ago.

I'm writing on the pepper forum because I know he was passionate about this and eggplants!

Chris, I think you must be talking about Craig LeHoullier b'c he is an SSE member but doesn't list anything these days and is a huge lover of peppers and eggplant.

Craig and I have been friends for about 20 years now and are always in touch. Currently he and his wife are on vacation at Okacroke Is while his one daughter who lives with them takes care of the house and pets.

Craig has had a very very rough year and has not posted much at all except in the Dwarf Project Forums.

He was excessed from the place where he worked into retirement, was making that transition, lost his father, his wife lost two family members and I could go on and on.

I think once things settle down perhaps he might be back posting more.

There are so many Gary's here, as you indicated after nctomatoman and I know a few of them but none meet your criterion of loving peppers and eggplant.
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Old October 8, 2008   #6
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Chris, I believe your talking about Gary Millwood who goes by VGary here at TVille. I received a email a short while ago concerning his health. Here is an excerpt from that e-mail. Ami

In addition, as some of you may know, Gary has had health problems over the last several years, mainly heart-related. Since the middle of May he has had atrial fibrillation and was being treated for this. Sunday AM the 21st, he began to experience the loss of a lot of blood and went to the ER after which he was admitted to the hospital; the hemorrhaging continued. The colonoscopy he had in June did not indicate any major problem. Due to the continued bleeding, they found it necessary to do a 2nd colonoscopy on September 26th and had surgery the following day. He is recovering and hopes to be home soon.
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Old October 8, 2008   #7
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Gary Millwood (VGary) is from Louisville, Ky. He is a member of our CHOPTAG group. I haven’t heard from him lately. I’m hoping he is OK.
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Old October 24, 2008   #8
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Close..but still not the right person. i guess Gary is a common name! I'm referring to Gary Maness!

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Old December 5, 2008   #9
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Any chance you're out there Gary Maness? Just curious. Hope you're OK.

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Old December 5, 2008   #10
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Default Gary Maness of Greensboro

Chris, You have PM. I hope that information is helpful to you.
Good luck in your search!
Louisville, Kentucky
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