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Old April 25, 2006   #1
bigcheef's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: TN
Posts: 316
Default Abkins or Adkins Tomato

A friend of the family was telling us about a conversation he had the other day with a guy about a tomato. Evidently this Abkins or Adkins (not sure wich spelling is correct) is the best tomato he has ever tried. The man swears by them and never grows anything else.

Unfortunately that's all the info I have. Don't know if it's an OP or Hybrid. I'm always curious about a tomato when someone claims it is the "best" variety available. Is this is a family heirloom yet to be discovered? Probably not, but what else do I have to do while I wait one last week to get my seedlings in the ground

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