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Old January 17, 2010   #1
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Embourg(Belgium)
Posts: 134
Default The varieties of tomatoes sowed in 2010 by Ambiorix

Bananas legs
Berkeley Tye Die
Big sungold
Black Brandywine
black cherry
black montain
black pear
Black Seaman
Blanche d'Anvers
Bush Beefsteak
cerise de villamartin
chair de bœuf précose
Cherokee purple
Cœur blanc
Cœur d'Albenga
Cœur de bœuf orange
Cœur de bœuf rose
Cœur plissé
Cornue d'Ischia
Couilles de taureau belge
Couilles de taureau française
De Barao Orangeyl
De Barao rozovyl
De Vilvorde
des Andes
double rich
Dr Carolyn
dwarf champion
Early dwarf short
Eva purple ball
Favorie de Bretagne
Gelb Dettilwein
Giallo a Grappoli
Gold dust
Gold Nugget
Golden Dwarf champion
grappe de Noël
Grappioli corbarino
grappioli d'invervio
Green copia
Green skin longkeeper
Gregori altai
Hana nana
Isis Candy
Japonese trifle black
Japonese trifle red
Jersey Devil
Join or Die
Kaukasiche liana
Marvel striped
Mandarin Cross
New big dwarf
Orange Bourgoin
Orange Chatham
Orange Russian 117
OSU Ambiorix 26
OSU Ambiorix 5
OSU Ambiorix 50
OSU Ambiorix 58
OSU Ambiorix 62
OSU Ambiorix 64
OSU Ambiorix 72
OSU Ambiorix 76
OSU Ambiorix 77
OSU Ambiorix 80
OSU M.Johnson big(Ingland)
OSU M.Johnson regular(Ingland)
Pamplemousse du grand-père
petit moineau
petit moineau biosyrphe
Petite rouge de Bâle
poire jaune
poire noire
poire rouge
Ponderosa golden
Ponderosa pink
Prudence's purple
Prune noire
Prune rose
Prune verte
Purple Haze F4
Purple Hillbilly
Purple Russian
pürple Smudge
Red robin
rita's black
Robeson angolan
Ruffled orange
San Marzano lungo
San Marzano retorta
Sandul Moldovan
Schimmeig Striped
Schimmeig Striped Hol
Shuntukskij giant
Sofie's choice
Solanum racemigerum
Solanum spontaneum
Speckled Roman
St Jean d'Angely
Sub artic
sungold F1
Sungold select 2
Sweat pea
Téton de Vénus jaune
Téton de Vénus rouge
Tiny Tim
Tomatito de Jalappa
TW Join or die
Velvet red
Vintage Wine
Wolly green Zebra
Yellow Belgium

151 varieties with 90 for the first times.A few varietes come of the collection of Luc Fichot.

Last edited by Ambiorix; January 17, 2010 at 02:33 PM.
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Old January 17, 2010   #2
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Germany
Posts: 1,351

Ambiorix, you must have a lot of space! Great list!
One question, please: Why do you start so early? I live not far away from Belgium (Cologne), but I start mid/end of February which is quite early for most German growers. clara
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Old January 17, 2010   #3
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Wonderful list.

And here's a few questions for you.

You list a Couilles from France and one from Belgium. My information says it's a variety from Spain that was renamed in France. I grew it this summer.

You list quite a few species but some of those species names aren't recognized as species names now, although some once were. And you list S. cheesmanii separately which is one of the 12 recognized tomato species.

Is Opalska really Opalka? I hope so since I'm the original source for that one.

What are all the OSU's? If Oregon State University they could be selections from the OSU bred blue, not yet released, but bred conventionally, but then I don't understand the OSU Johnson one.

Shah is extinct and has been for many decades. What's being distributed as Shah is White Potato Leaf. If you look in the Tomato Legacy Forum here you'll find a thread about Shah and Craig LeHoullier's information about what it should be according to the old seed catalog description that he has; it should look something like Yellow Brandywine as I recall.

Welcome to Tomatoville and be sure to let us know what your favorites are at the end of the season.
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Old January 17, 2010   #4
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Embourg(Belgium)
Posts: 134

I have a big lot of space:

I have a big space for the resistant tomatoes open air, 2 greenhouses and what I call a roof of 50 m2 above the most precious plantations.

I sowed only the hasty tomatoes:Idaho, stupice, Edouard, With Sophie choice and tomtes 24 overalls OSU.J' have recu last year of the seeds OSU blue which I have sow. I planted 3 plantations and I picked 100 tomatoes numbered from 1 to 100. I have all the characteristics of tomatoes (weight, number of changing rooms, situation on the branch, the color, the forle, the intensity of blue. I am a chemist by training and I studied seriously the growth of these blue tomatoes.

I sow each weekend a few seeds during January,February and Mart.

I am interesting by the Tomato Shah because she is "allogame"

Opalska of Opalka is the tomatoe for me.

I know 3 couilles de taureau one in spain(in spanish),one in France et one in Belgium:but your shape is all different.I am study this problem.

I am not a professional but one man interesting by very musch vegetables.

Last edited by Ambiorix; January 17, 2010 at 02:22 PM.
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Old January 17, 2010   #5
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carolyn, the OSU Johnson's are OSU seed Ambiorix got from Michael Johnson at a different site and the Purple Haze F4 were from me. Ami
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Old October 23, 2010   #6
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Embourg(Belgium)
Posts: 134

My favorite tomatoes for years

Schimmeig striped Hollow and Roman speckled:tomatoes to stuff

All the tomatoes of shape of hot pepper for crystallized tomatoes:San Marzano lungo, Saint Jean d' Angely, Banana legs,Cornue d’Ischia, Jersey Devil,Opalska.

Feuerwerk ., the black cherry: for the taste

My discoveries of year 2010

Sungold Select 2, Orange Bourgoin, (two-colored) Gajo de Melon, Bombilla, and the variations of Tom Wagner's not yet stabilized variety and carrying the name at the moment of TW5422809:aperitives tomatoes

L.Macrocarpum nigra big black tomato of 200g in big quantity on a plantation determined as tomato for salad.

To which I add Shah (the enormous white who looks like the pineapple a lot,) Robeson Angolan and The purple Haze F4 to the taste of the black cherry but much bigger.

Beautiful discovery as well as flavourful enormous Ingegnoli gigante Liscio and giving good sauces tomato quite as grandpa of 33.

A particular very favorite for the yellow andean and very tasted in crystallized yellow tomato.

I do not forget the OSU5 which was the most flavourful among the blue has which one I add Blue of Siberia and purple smudge.

A very favorite for L.pimpinellifolium resulting from the collection Luc fichot who concerns at the same time a branch of yellow currants and some red currants grouped in cluster of a single color.
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