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Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.

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Old July 18, 2006   #16
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Beyond Hope, British Columbia
Posts: 201

I want to thank everyone for their kind words and encouragement. I didn't lose everything. I have a final count of dead plants. 15 to early blight. 114 to CTV. 12 to some kind of wilt.

I finished pulling the dead ones today and they went to the landfill. I am not sure what happened. The ones I thought showed signs of CTV when I looked after seeing the dead and dying ones I have to attribute to shock and dismay and me totally freaking out.

I know I am responsible for the CTV, I used my industrial sized brushsaw (weedeater) to cut the weeds around the garden, which were composed mainly of thistles, and as I cut them I saw hordes of leafhoppers flopping towards the edges of the garden. Most of the dead plants were on the edges closest to the biggest infestation of bugs and thistles. And the CTV dead plants, while decimating three or four complete beds of plants, also hit individually or severally in other beds while leaving the other companions alone, which as I understand is consistent with its typical damage.

I drove to my brothers yesterday, a three hour drive and took back a bunch of tomatoes. He was using grow bags and I brought them home and planted them in 5 gallon pots. I have no idea what I have in that morass of pots, don't care, and have no clue how many fit in the car. He kept bring them, and I kept stuffing them in. I know he had a couple of hundred that I started for him, and I know that he still had

So now I feel lots better than last time I posted. I lost a lot, but not all. I was pretty freaked out. Thanks guys....
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