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Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.

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Old September 3, 2011   #1
Tomatovillian™ Honoree
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Default support for cherry tomatoes????

Last year and this year I am growing cherry tomatoes - they are SO mishehaving - I have them in 3 1/2 ft wide by 4 1/2' crw cages. They are everywhere, growing over everything and anything. And big fat mess. My friend down the street grows them in the topsy turveys so they more tidy but still 12-15 feet long. How does everyone keep them more tidy?? I have grown Dr. C and Principe Borghese and both have always been well behaved. I just tore out Sun Sugar this every evening.
Thanks - piegirl
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Old September 3, 2011   #2
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You have to keep riffling the vines to keep them inside the cage--EVERY DAY. Eventually they'll go over the top and cascade back down towards the ground, at which point it is usually late enough in the season that it isn't a big problem. I've tried feeding them back up when they get near the ground again, that doesn't work very well.

I missed a few days when we went to Pittsburgh in July, by the time we got back my Red Candy vines were all over the place.

I measured a Morgage Lifter vine two years ago after the frost. It was over 16 feet long.
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Old September 5, 2011   #3
Direct Sunlight
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I use the store bought cages and stake with rebar. I've got a riesentraube that has grown up over the cage and out. There's an even distribution of branches around the outside, reaching to the landscaping fabric around it. Now if only there were tomatoes on it. I know the other cages work better but didn't want to lay out the $100 for supplies this year.
"Sure it grows where you are, but..."
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