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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old October 20, 2006   #16
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On even the busiest of forums, usually less than 5% are active posters. The vast majority are lurkers.

Even though I clearly state in the registration rules on one of my forums that registration is not a requirement to read the support areas, hundreds of people have registered anyway without posting.
[SIZE="3"]I've relaunched my gardening website -- [B][/B][/SIZE] *

[I][SIZE="1"]*I'm not allowed to post weblinks so you'll have to copy-paste it manually.[/SIZE][/I]
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Old October 20, 2006   #17
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Originally Posted by boonies
Isn't composting just a bunch of garbage & trash? :wink:----------------------
No sh*t!
There are more superstitions, old wife's tales than any other topic; therefore there is a need for a dedicated forum to discuss this topic.

tomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomato matomato
tomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomato matomato
tomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomatomato matomato
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Old October 20, 2006   #18
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Originally Posted by dcarch
Originally Posted by boonies
Isn't composting just a bunch of garbage & trash? :wink:----------------------
No sh*t!
There are more superstitions, old wife's tales than any other topic; therefore there is a need for a dedicated forum to discuss this topic.

Even in places like the one that shall not be named, it can be difficult to discover some of the more relevant trivia about composting, especially for those of us with ophidiophobia.

10 ft compost tools are on my wishlist :wink:
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Old October 20, 2006   #19
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To point-I do not really care one way or the other if we end up with a compost forum on T-Ville. I pretty much feel the same way about an other veggie forum. But, I do want to say the the Microherd is a good place to go. I suppose, the question becomes whether TV becomes a garden forum supermarket or something that remains focused. The conversations area could continue to function as a fine place to ask questions different from the specific forum topics. I would add that I have had a fascination with soil and it's use for years as a part of my professional life, and will always gravitate toward information about soil if it is there to read.

As for participation, Mischka, I am often in front of the public, talking about spending millions and making decisions that can affect peoples lives and property.Strangely, we can advertise that we are discussing, or even voting, on things such as general plans, property use plans or park plans and nobody will show up. or, we could put a light pole up in the middle of an abandoned field and 100 people will show up to complain that the light is ruining their lives. Go figure on participation.
Lets see...$10 for Worth and $5 for Fusion, man. Tomatoes are expensive!

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Old October 21, 2006   #20
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Well, if there is this much descention about wether to even have a compost forum then I guess we should not. If I want to talk dirt I will go the the profs site. Thanks
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Old October 21, 2006   #21
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Strangely, we can advertise that we are discussing, or even voting, on things such as general plans, property use plans or park plans and nobody will show up. or, we could put a light pole up in the middle of an abandoned field and 100 people will show up to complain that the light is ruining their lives. Go figure on participation.
Off topic, but I just want to say that I believe there is widespread cynicism about the processes involved with governments and public input on issues. From my experience, there's a process but it rarely alters the agenda of those in positions of power.[/quote]
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Old October 21, 2006   #22
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"Theres no point acting all surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display in your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for fifty of your Earth years, so you've had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaints and it's far too late to start making a fuss about it now"

Unknown reply

"What do you mean you've never been to Alpha Centauri? For heavens sake mankind, it's only four light years away you know. I'm sorry, but if you can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs that's you own lookout"
"Energize the demolition beams"

"apathetic bloody planet, I've no sympathy at all"
:End Quote

From , The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

This is the workings of all local governments I have come across. Until lately.

Now our state gov is telling us we are going to have fluoride in our water and that no referendoms will be entered into. They have even entered lines into the local laws that say that no one in the government or local water department is liable or can be liable for any ill effects etc etc etc of fluoride that has been introduced into the water supply. Cosy eh.
This is sad. So now they don't have to hide planning legislation away down in the cellar , they only have to pass laws to say that they are not responsible.

Rant finished.
Energize beer tractor beam . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzsluurrrp
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Old October 21, 2006   #23
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You mean you don't have flouride added to the H2O down under?
Everytime we asked the pediatrician when we should use
flouride toothpaste on the kids, he'd always say to wait
untill 3-4. He said, they'd get enough flouride from the city water.....
Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put one in a fruit salad.

Cuostralee - The best thing on sliced bread.
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Old October 22, 2006   #24
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You mean you have beer tractor beams down under?!?!!
Lets see...$10 for Worth and $5 for Fusion, man. Tomatoes are expensive!

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Old October 22, 2006   #25
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Not all of Oz has fluoride in its water and most have had referendums that wildly opose it. But the powers that be are now going to push it into all water and why we do not know. The only reasons for kids teeth going rotten are the rotten food and drink they consume. And long dental waiting lists are because we don't have enough dentists. Pretty simple stuff. Adding a known poison to the water (that not many kids drink anyway) is a crock. Flouride does not go away like chlorine that gases off after a short time. So flouride will build up and up in our soil and food chains until something gives. Don't know what that will be but it wont be good. Rant over

My beer tractor beam is my 11 yo daughter who still likes to get daddys beer from the shed fridge
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Old November 18, 2006   #26
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I'm sorry to see that this thread got hijacked.

Composting, and soil improvement in general, is *directly* related to super (or lousy, I s'pose) tomatoes. I'm surprised (and a bit disappointed) that some other hardly-used forums here that have *zero* to do with growing tomatoes, are defended as necessary; but composting and soil improvement is re-inventing the wheel. Can't have it both ways!

Besides, have you folks even *been* to Microherd? I tried so hard to like that place, but it's a haven for off-topic conversations. The entire site is a coffeehouse, threads dealing with composting are at a premium there.

I reject the notion that, for example, a potato forum is justified here because there's an esteemed expert as moderator, but a forum on soil improvement for better tomatoes is somehow not justified.

It doesn't bother me that there's a potato forum here, or recipes or tomatillos. I don't participate in those, nor do I wish to campaign for their removal. What does bother me, is a vocal few (funny how it's always that way in society now) have loudly voiced their opposition to a composting forum, therefore the folks who DO want one have backed down. That's messed up.

Identifying garlic is done mostly by consensus. Many are like trying to identify the difference between twins.
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Old November 18, 2006   #27
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You have some good points.
Please see my post in "Main index getting out of hand?" topic.

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Old November 19, 2006   #28
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Well, I agree Jay, with all you say. There are forums here that I have never entered because they hold no interest for me.
I know too what you are saying about Microherd. I was hoping for a more friendly place to talk dirt, because as you say, dirt is where we grow the tomatoes. (no smiley available for DER)
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Old September 8, 2009   #29
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and the result is...??
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Old September 8, 2009   #30
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I'm happy to finally learn of the microherd. I heard others at GW where I spend alot of time in the soil forum refer to the other place, but never figured it out. I just recently found this place after the name was used in a tom thread at GW. Very happy to have found TV.
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