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Old April 20, 2007   #31
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Originally Posted by moulman View Post
dcarch said
"1. Moisture forms on surfaces that's colder."

Actually, its the other way around. Warm air holds more moisture, and when in contact with colder objects the moisture in the warm air will condense on the surface of the warm side.

That's why moisture barriers are always placed on the heated side of walls floors etc. (foil faced wall insulation,etc.)

That's why we have coasters, to protect the table, because the condensation forms ofn the outside of the glass. : )
Oh Yeh? Wise guy, wanna work this out with me outside!?

Actually we are both correct. Let me re-word your sentence:
-----Warm air holds more moisture, and when in contact with colder objects the moisture in the warm air will condense on the colder surface, which is on the warm side of the room.


P.s. Warm air may not always hold more moisture and condensation occurs only when dew point is reached.
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Old April 20, 2007   #32
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Ok. Gotcha.

[P.s. Warm air may not always hold more moisture and condensation occurs only when dew point is reached]

Heheh, not to belabor this, but....the above is only true if speaking about objects of the same relative temp.
No one ever learned a thing while they were talking.
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