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Old October 15, 2010   #1
dokutaaguriin's Avatar
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Default This is harvest for Z3

I figured since the lows are dipping down to the -8C (or even colder) and the sun's waning energy that I should harvest my tomatoes from my small greenhouse. I already turned over the large greenhouse to greens a month ago.
Here is a picture of the final harvest which includes-
Caseys' Pure Yellow, Black Zebra, Cherokee Purple, Vorlon, Jaune Flamme, Variegated, Black Cherry, Isis Candy, Green Zebra Cherry, Kosovo, Lucky Cross:

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Old October 15, 2010   #2
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That's a very nice way to end the season! I'd be curious to hear of any new (or old) favorites from this year.
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Old October 15, 2010   #3
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wow! what a great haul!
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Old October 16, 2010   #4
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Awesome harvest Jeff - great looking tomatoes!

I am a bit jealous, as my tomato season was over a long time ago. I am hoping the next year will be a better year for us here in PNW.

How is the Green Zebra Cherry taste-wise?


Tatiana's TOMATObase
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Old October 16, 2010   #5
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Originally Posted by Tania View Post
Awesome harvest Jeff - great looking tomatoes!

I am a bit jealous, as my tomato season was over a long time ago. I am hoping the next year will be a better year for us here in PNW.

How is the Green Zebra Cherry taste-wise?

I'm sure Jeff will answer Tania but I think it's a terrific tasting cherry, but with that name I bet that many will assume it's related to GZ and all I can tell you is that it tastes nothing like any GZ that I've ever grown, which I don't like the taste of at all, and no doubt this cherry was named b'c of the appearance of it.

Manfred Hahm found it in a mixed box of cherries at a local store in Germany and all that's known is that the cherries were shipped from the Netherlands.

Jeff, I'm envious beyond belief b'c from 36 plants I got less than 25 fruits.

And Tania, I'll be contacting you about the possible ID of two fruits, identical, that Freda brought in and since they were on the ground she couldn't put a name to them as she can when the fruits are still on the vine.

I suspect Oleysa, seeds from Andrey,but there's a bit of a problem on that ID. I didn't say that very well. The problem is at my end, not that the variety isn't Oleysa. To wit, early in the season Freda brought in the label for Oleysa and said the plant had died.

And of course I'm asking you b'c it seems that to date, you're the only one who has grown it and shown pictures, seeds from your mother. it makes sense that Andrey would also have the seeds as well.
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Old October 16, 2010   #6
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Hi all,
Thanks for the kind comments. It was an extremely difficult year. July and AUgust were 2-3C below average temperatures which is VERY significant when you are in Zone 3. Too cloudy also did not help matters.
Seed saving- some varieties produced ZERO seeds, others ZERO to NON-VIABLE, and still others VERY FEW seeds. In general, as Tania pointed out in another thread, seed size is also way down.

But there were standouts this year:
GREEN ZEBRA CHERRY- sweet and juicy- it explodes in your mouth- excellent cherry- new this year
TAUPO OP a little known medium round red that I got from NZ- my new standard for medium red- if you like you tomatoes on the sweet side this it.
LESCANA BEEF the perfect red beefsteak- even during this summer's poor weather it was the most productive (upto a pound) one in the garden
GOOSE CREEK another great medium round red, not quite as sweet as Taupo OP as it was in the "well-balanced" flavour range- new this year
CASEY'S PURE YELLOW the cool temperatures did not cause much difficulty for it as it was its very sweet and incredibly juicy self- It literally just melts in your mouth.
MEDOVAYA KAPLYA The cutest cherry tomato around- an elongated pear shape with flatten sides at the top- sweet- new this year
JUANE FLAMME juicy with a whopping punch of flavour- kept pumping them out all season long
B]LYANA[/B] thick, meaty juicy and sweet- my only outdoor tomato to really perform- determinate

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