January 25, 2017 | #1 |
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 17
Solo Tomatillo
My first year trying to grow a tomatillo. I intended to have a couple of plants but only ended up with the one seedling.
I read about the low yeild rate, that is if you are lucky to get anything from a single plant at all. Well, I pushed on and planted my single tomatillo anyway. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. A little bit of my fat finger pollinating, then I had a few bumble bees give me a hand, so I left them to it. There was also a few ants helping move the pollen around. 4 weeks ago. DSC_0015.jpg Just over a week ago. Husks, husks but nothing within. 20170117_175149.jpg Looks like I may get something my off the single plant, as I can see a few husks starting to fill. Needless to say, I'm a happy gardener. 20170125_182701.jpg
Chris. Last edited by Chris24; January 25, 2017 at 03:22 AM. |