June 6, 2020 | #1 |
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Northern California
Posts: 300
TomatoFest - RARE Seeds - To Be Discontinued
I was looking for a particular variety, and came across this list:
https://www.tomatofest.com/RARE_Seed...show=30&page=1 I don't know when the cutoff date is, but I might order a few varieties. |
June 10, 2020 | #2 |
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591
I totally understand his explanation. There are so many more small seed companies now than when I started about 20+ years ago. Plus so many seed trading places where you don't need to "buy" seeds at all. I have experienced some of the same issues. Hard to get decent help to grow and harvest lots of different varieties. And then to have many varieties sell few if any packs / year.
I've been going thru his list of discontinued varieties and I already grow some of them or have seeds for some. I also saw a few that are listed at SSE. And I saw a couple that are most likely from the Doohov stash of "Russian Roulette" varieties of "who knows what they are". I also noticed a wrong descriptions on a variety that I grow. Malinowski is listed as a red. Nope, it's pink. Malinowski is Polish for Raspberry, therefore pink. I may get a few of the more interesting varieties. Tho who knows when I'll be able to get to grow them out. Carol Last edited by Wi-sunflower; June 10, 2020 at 08:09 AM. Reason: added thought |
June 10, 2020 | #3 |
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Southeast Kansas
Posts: 878
With most of them at $4.25 or $4.50 a pack I'd say that somewhat explains not selling very many. I usually grow around 10 new varieties every year and by the time you add shipping boom - $50 bucks is gone! Too pricey for me.
June 10, 2020 | #4 |
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 5,931
Old seed clearance of poor sellers would be more accurate probably,
And at Full price. Pass. KarenO |
February 24, 2022 | #5 | |
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 1,488
There is just a good Farmer in North Carolina!!! I bet you are having good summer weather up there in California. We can not wait to plant our crops as there are good farmers in Virginia too like me at Angel Field Heirloom Tomatoes
May God Bless you and my Garden, Amen https://www.angelfieldfarms.com MrsJustice as Farmer Joyce Beggs |
September 1, 2022 | #6 |
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: holly michigan
Posts: 380
I don't trust them .PERIOD.
September 1, 2022 | #7 |
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 1,488
Give Them another Try, Amen!!
Sometimes Tomato Seeds stay in the ground growing locational history; that comes back each year. Causing many to be surprised at their Tomato Variety; not noticing the same Heirloom Tomatoes they planted last year just wrapped itself around your new Variety of Tomatoes. As many grow back in the same area with their New Plants. Many People do not put down Ground Covers, not realizing that "Pure Heirloom Plants" will come back growing along side your New Plants causing confusion. Many people will blame the Company when "it was Mother Nature giving you another different plant from last year. Dealing with Historically Plants and Seeds gives a Pure "99% Natural Survival Spirit to reproduce itself again. I learn this by studying "my U S Native Americans Farming Secrets" giving to my Great Grandfather; with Plants coming back each year as I work hard to Identify them. Like the Aunt Molly. So, I use trusted Companies like Tomatofest for almost 20 years, Amen!! I use only the best Companies in saving My Great Grandfather "Contraband Slaves Farming and Food History, given to them by Native Americans. There is Aunt Molly Ground Cherries growing all over my Contraband Slaves Land Masses of Farm Areas in front of Fort Monroe and people do not know that it is edible food, from Native Americans. There was Tomatoes as well that all has been Identified. We the Farmer of the United States should Love Each Other Always, Amen!!
May God Bless you and my Garden, Amen https://www.angelfieldfarms.com MrsJustice as Farmer Joyce Beggs Last edited by MrsJustice; September 3, 2022 at 01:03 PM. Reason: Dyslexia |