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Old February 11, 2011   #16
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Somewhere around here I still have a trade list and email address for John Smarz. I was in contact with him in 2009.

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Old February 11, 2011   #17
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I was on the AOL boards as well. 2 names come to my mind. CajunPaPa and a guy named Ty. I don't remember Ty's screenname though. Only Ty.

If I recall correctly, Ty was heavy into mulching with grass clippings. The more clippings, the better.

I keep in contact with several folks that kept in touch with CajunPapa for a long time. Last I heard about him, he had lost his beloved wife, and then they lost contact I believe. He was a character for sure, and the more excited he got about a recipe, the worse his typing and his typing accent got LoL He was a sweetheart and could tell a good story!

I still email quite a bit with several folks from the AOL boards.
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Old February 11, 2011   #18
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I have been wondering what happened to John Smarz also...I have a great pepper from him called Greek Sweet Long Red...I was thrilled to see I have 7 seedlings up from 9 seeds and the seed was a few years old when he sent it to me...It has been a few years since I grew it and I hope to save seeds this year...


Sure don't miss chickenman though...
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Old February 11, 2011   #19
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Barbee, did you have the same user name at AOL? And BINGO, Ty was the mulch man at AOL as well as at GW.

Darrel, I'm glad you still have the contact information b'c I was going to post about that, I mean for John.

I started a post this AM, and had lots in it but then Marcus delivered my kerosene, my main heat is a Japanese computer controlled wizard, but them Marcus handed me the bill and I passed out, only becoming alert several hours later.

But there are four threads at GW that I will NEVER forget and I'll list them and see if any of you remember them.

Someone invited Lisa from Amishland to come and defend herself, and well I remember what she admitted to.

Someone also invited Minnie Zac to come and speak to the blurb in the then TT, when owned by Wayne Hilton, where it said to rogue out certain plants from the, ahem, hybrid seed. She told us what the problem was.

Then there was the LONGGGG thread about tomato fermentation with Martin L in the lead and no one respected anyone else's information about the process and it was one of the most brutal threads I ever read.

Lastly, was the classic Gary Ibsen vs Mischka thread. I'll say no more and perhaps M still has it somewhere in the depths of his computer.
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Old February 11, 2011   #20
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Lol Carolyn, I remember those threads and probably still have all 4 of them on my computer. I know for sure I have the one with Minnie and the one with Mischka. As for the fermentation thread, I remember that someone got a guy named Postdoc to post in it. He was a grad student studying fermentation in the wine industry. The argument was whether fermenting tomato seed was aerobic or anaerobic. The best I remember, he said it was aerobic only at the surface where atmospheric oxygen could penetrate and was anaerobic beneath that surface layer.

Yes, some of those were brutal.

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Old February 11, 2011   #21
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Originally Posted by rxkeith View Post
does anyone know what happened to john smarz from down under. last i heard he had had surgery for prostate cancer a few years ago. we did some seed swapping in the past.

John contacted me about a year ago. He was suppose to send me some seeds, never did, but he seemed fine and well.
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Old February 15, 2011   #22
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The fermentation thread at GW. OMG, that was somethin' else!

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Old February 15, 2011   #23
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I was Barbee2222 on AOL. I didn't post a whole lot on the AOL boards. I do, however, remember Ty LoL
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