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Old July 31, 2013   #16
camochef's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Posts: 707

I used to grow my own bacon, back on the's not difficult to grow but harvesting can be heartbreaking.

Thank's! The first two were delicious! I can easily say, "The best tasting tomato's of the year, so far!"

I hope you have better luck with it in the future. It's always been one of my favorites since discovering it about 7-8 years ago. I've sent seed from it all over the USA and Canada as well as many foreign countries on most continents and reports back were favorable.
I was amazed to hear how well it did in the Philippines, and even in Kansas where Brandywines seem to have a difficult time producing a descent crop. It has done well for many in Texas and throughout the south so I hope it does well for you.
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Old July 31, 2013   #17
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Someone sent me two or three seeds of Cowlicks a couple of years ago. I only planted one plant. It may have been a bad year for tomatoes, but my few fruit produced were small and knobby in shape. I saved seed from one of the malformed tomatoes with the intent of trying it again. Now I am thinking about putting it on my wish list for next year in hopes of getting better seed. I will include it on my wanted list and will probably be as happy with it as everyone else who grows it.

We had BLT's for dinner yesterday. Yum! I even made a special trip to the grocery store for some maple flavored bacon. I'm still working on the bacon flavored tomato. I can't make up my mind if I want the tomato to have hickory smoked, maple, apple or cherry wood smoked or simply slow cured in salt and brown sugar, bacon flavor.


Last edited by tedln; July 31, 2013 at 12:30 PM.
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