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Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.

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Old August 28, 2014   #16
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Had a blast last year, look forward to it from one season till the next. Once again, I don't have a wish list. I enjoy receiving what everyone values enough to share, and I especially enjoy the surprise element. Despite many challanges, it turned out to be a phenomenal year.

Excited there's a pepper swap too. Thanks for including that, Gary!

- Lisa
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Old August 28, 2014   #17
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Originally Posted by Labradors2 View Post
Hey A Little Salt,

Please join in the fun! I don't have Porter and I'm sure that many other people don't have it either. Start saving some seeds and fermenting them whenever you have a ripe one.

Last year we had to send in ten packets of ten seeds in whichever category we wanted to participate.

Hopefully, Garry will put up the categories soon.

I bet a lot of newbies living in high-heat areas would LOVE to have some Porter!

Tracy, You're in too, as commercial seeds are definitely allowed!

I read your reply, and when I wrote what I did, I was feeling pretty down. What I basically meant was that I have a few seeds that I am just learning how to save. I don't want to send in seeds that I have no idea if I saved them right or not? Tomorrow, August 28th, I'm going to remove the fermented mold and start drying the seeds. I've never done that before. I am a newbie

The seeds I will have do not come from that near perfect plants grown in the sun with large fruit. The plant I am saving seeds from is a volunteer that is growing in the shade, and the tomatoes are a little smaller than those plants bought and planted in full sun. Tomorrow, I am going to show the exact plant I am talking about in a post/thread in the photo section.

I can be stubborn sometimes believing in things that have proven to be strong. I do believe that this variety is strong especially pushed into growing in 95% dappled shade... it still produces even in high temps of 98+.

If I saved the seeds right, that's all I have to give. While joining into a seeds trade sounds really cool, and yes, I would grow seeds from Tomatoville growers above all else - it would be more important to me to see how my saved seeds do for everyone in different areas and zones across the world.

I'm not sure of what I am giving back. As I said, I am a newbie. I am not sure of what I have to offer, and giving seeds from bought varieties doesn't make sense to me.
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Old August 28, 2014   #18
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I'd like to suggest another catagory -- Roasting Tomatoes

Several of my customers at the Farmer's Market were really into Roasting and brought samples back along with their recipes. Good stuff.
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Old August 28, 2014   #19
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I am from Europe (France)
can I participate?
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Old August 28, 2014   #20
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ALittleSalt. I will PM you. Linda
Originally Posted by AlittleSalt View Post
I read your reply, and when I wrote what I did, I was feeling pretty down. What I basically meant was that I have a few seeds that I am just learning how to save. I don't want to send in seeds that I have no idea if I saved them right or not? Tomorrow, August 28th, I'm going to remove the fermented mold and start drying the seeds. I've never done that before. I am a newbie

The seeds I will have do not come from that near perfect plants grown in the sun with large fruit. The plant I am saving seeds from is a volunteer that is growing in the shade, and the tomatoes are a little smaller than those plants bought and planted in full sun. Tomorrow, I am going to show the exact plant I am talking about in a post/thread in the photo section.

I can be stubborn sometimes believing in things that have proven to be strong. I do believe that this variety is strong especially pushed into growing in 95% dappled shade... it still produces even in high temps of 98+.

If I saved the seeds right, that's all I have to give. While joining into a seeds trade sounds really cool, and yes, I would grow seeds from Tomatoville growers above all else - it would be more important to me to see how my saved seeds do for everyone in different areas and zones across the world.

I'm not sure of what I am giving back. As I said, I am a newbie. I am not sure of what I have to offer, and giving seeds from bought varieties doesn't make sense to me.
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Old August 28, 2014   #21
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Originally Posted by charline View Post
I am from Europe (France)
can I participate?
Oui. There are only a few countries that seem to have seed import restrictions. I've never heard of France being on the list.

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Old August 28, 2014   #22
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Originally Posted by saltmarsh View Post
I'd like to suggest another catagory -- Roasting Tomatoes

Several of my customers at the Farmer's Market were really into Roasting and brought samples back along with their recipes. Good stuff.
Any category is welcome. It's whether you can find others to join that category. And, while the "rules" are 10 packs of a variety to a category which would mean about 10 different varieties in that category, if less people wanted to swap less varieties, I'm fine with it. As I'll likely repeat often in this thread, there basically aren't any rules, and it's your swap. Also, if stuffers could be combined with roasters (are stuffers used as roasters?), that might be a combined category.

There are a few people I know here who are into micro dwarfs (12" plants and under). That could be another category, if enough people want it.
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Old August 28, 2014   #23
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is CURIOSITY already a category?
it would be for hairy leaves, curlies, variegated , fuzzy fruits, etc
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Old August 28, 2014   #24
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Originally Posted by greenthumbomaha View Post
Had a blast last year, look forward to it from one season till the next. Once again, I don't have a wish list. I enjoy receiving what everyone values enough to share, and I especially enjoy the surprise element. Despite many challanges, it turned out to be a phenomenal year.

Excited there's a pepper swap too. Thanks for including that, Gary!

- Lisa
There's a pepper swap, if enough people decide there's a pepper swap. This should likely be limited to commercial source and isolated/bagged blossoms for purity?
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Old August 28, 2014   #25
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Originally Posted by AlittleSalt View Post
I read your reply, and when I wrote what I did, I was feeling pretty down. What I basically meant was that I have a few seeds that I am just learning how to save. I don't want to send in seeds that I have no idea if I saved them right or not? Tomorrow, August 28th, I'm going to remove the fermented mold and start drying the seeds. I've never done that before. I am a newbie

The seeds I will have do not come from that near perfect plants grown in the sun with large fruit. The plant I am saving seeds from is a volunteer that is growing in the shade, and the tomatoes are a little smaller than those plants bought and planted in full sun. Tomorrow, I am going to show the exact plant I am talking about in a post/thread in the photo section.

I can be stubborn sometimes believing in things that have proven to be strong. I do believe that this variety is strong especially pushed into growing in 95% dappled shade... it still produces even in high temps of 98+.

If I saved the seeds right, that's all I have to give. While joining into a seeds trade sounds really cool, and yes, I would grow seeds from Tomatoville growers above all else - it would be more important to me to see how my saved seeds do for everyone in different areas and zones across the world.

I'm not sure of what I am giving back. As I said, I am a newbie. I am not sure of what I have to offer, and giving seeds from bought varieties doesn't make sense to me.
We were all in your shoes at one time as newbies. And, if only I had a pic of one "variety" I'm sending in this year. Perfect plants, what's that? This plant lost ALL of it's leaves just prior to harvesting a few ripe fruit. The fruit (cherries) were lumpy/bumpy almost like golf balls.

I'm putting in a new rule this year, I'm not letting anyone feel pretty down.

So cheer up!

If you have seeds to send, that's fine, If you don't, that's fine too. Also, someone really looking hard for a variety will not care if it's home grown or bought. Last year I had someone join who only donated two or three varieties, They happened to be the only one to donate a certain variety that another person had as their #1 wish list variety. It made both very happy.
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Old August 28, 2014   #26
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Count me in. This looks like fun!
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Old August 28, 2014   #27
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Can I ask a couple of questions here?

1. I have a wish-list of 10, and I would like to participate in 4 categories in addition. Do the items from my wishlist HAVE to fit into the categories I have chosen?

2. Should I send in seed OTHER than my chosen categories if they are on the wanted lists? And how many packs should I send in?

3. I understand that when people send more seed in, these are spread between participants as bonuses. How do I package 'bonuses'? I have a few varieties I have saved 500 seed or more from, and I would like to share. So if I sent in 25 packs of 10, is that okay? Or does it have to be enough for everyone?

4. Can I use the small plastic see-through zip top baggies (2x1 inch) with a piece of paper inside specifying the variety, description and date collected? Or are coin envelopes preferred?

5. So just to make sure I understand the swap correctly - I should send in
A) 10-packs of seed from any requested variety that I have grown
B) 10 packs of seed of the same variety for each category that I want to participate in, labeled with the seed name
C) Any extra seed I want to share which will be distributed as 'bonuses'.
D) A piece of paper with my wishlist, the varieties I am sending in and what they are for

Is that correct?
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Old August 29, 2014   #28
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Count me in, so many people have told me that I gotta do it. Linda, I'll start dying those seeds first thing in the morning. I have a new batch to pick and start fermenting, but I will only have the one tomato variety to trade.

Tormato, I do have seeds of other vegetables and beneficial flowers. I have onion seeds that are perfect for growing, "Green Onions" (Red, White, and Yellow onions sold as that without names.) I also have a half pint of purple morning glory seeds, and a whole pint of Dwarf French Marigold seeds ( That grew 30 inches high this year) ... I also have some black eyed pea seeds that I would love to see other people grow in every area of our world.

The one variety of tomato seeds I have to share is not sweet, not a hybrid, 102 years old developed by a ...

I want to donate seeds I am proud of. That is just who I am.
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Old August 29, 2014   #29
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I'm very excited to see a pepper swap!
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Old August 29, 2014   #30
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ALittleSalt - I'm a big fan of Porter tomatoes; you're right, it is never mentioned here, but my one plant produced hundreds; When I went on vacation in late May, I kept it in the shade and when I came back, there must have been 100 ripe tomatoes on it. I even squeaked out 10 tomatoes in late July / early August from it. The plant is still going strong too. I'm keeping it to see if it will produce once again. No diseases.

Question - for sending in varieties, if using commercial seeds, does the 10 packs have to be the same variety? (I've never fermented seeds, but will look what is entailed - I've dried tomato seeds just using mesh and planted those seeds with good germination, but never kept for any length of time).
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