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Old July 30, 2015   #16
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
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Thanks for clarifying the mutation process, Carolyn... I'd forgotten those terms and indeed, much of what I learned about genetics long ago.

Vladimir, it's no surprise that these breeding lines are still important for F1's. I'm so glad I was growing out some Stupice crosses this year, which besides staying relatively healthy in cold, wet and challenging conditions, are also tasting great in spite of the cold.

Here's an example of how the recessive traits played out in the F2 of Stupice X Black Cherry. I was looking for two recessive traits: early flowering, and black. And another recessive of interest, fruit larger than a cherry (or non-cherry, with more than two locules).
The chance of each recessive trait is one in four, so the chance of two together, one in 16, and three together I believe is one in 64.
I could only grow six seedlings of the cross this year, with two proper spots for the earliest ones. One of the six was PL, also the earliest flowering. It turned out to be a red cherry, earlier than Moravsky Div by 9 days. Not what I was looking for, but they are good and we're enjoying them - the earliest fruit this year.
The second earliest also had large buds - not a cherry. This one produced little flat beefsteak shapes, five days earlier than Moravsky Div, and they are pink! And delicious. I had forgotten that pink was a possibility, but black cherry is a pink black.
The later four seedlings were planted together in one large pot, and produced two red and two black cherries - not early enough to be keepers but nice enough to eat.
I can only grow a few each year, so although I didn't find the early black one, I'm really stoked to have a "two recessive" keeper in that mini-beef pink, and I must say, the genetics of Stupice are so good for this rotten climate, I'm really grateful for all of them.
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