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New to growing your own tomatoes? This is the forum to learn the successful techniques used by seasoned tomato growers. Questions are welcome, too.

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Old January 26, 2017   #16
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 1,460

I don't know about anyone else, but I germinate my seeds on a heat mat with a thermostat and with a loose covering of plastic wrap. I started out using 80 degrees as a set temp and then eventually decided to reduce that to 75 degrees. But unless there is a way to determine the optimum temp for each seed variety, not sure how I can get better germination. I already have an average of about 90% germination except for the odd variety or pack of seeds that I have trouble with. It is still a mystery to me why when all other others do well at the same temp. If anyone has information about the germination conditions preferred by a specific variety please share.
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Old January 27, 2017   #17
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Sue, I use a heat mat for our pepper plants. It is a heating pad like the kind most of us grew up using. Mine is from the 70s or 80s and has 4 buttons - high, medium, low, and off. It works well for the pepper seeds.

I don't remember using it for tomato seeds, but I might have

I am curious if there are tomato varieties that need different temperatures to germinate too.
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