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Old December 4, 2010   #31
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Tastiheart has been stable for 4 years now Carolyn. I'm sure Heshpole has been stable for about the same length of time.

The reason I mentioned Wanda's Potato Top is because I got a large pink potato leaf heart from it a couple of years ago. I don't recall who traded the seed to me.

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Old December 4, 2010   #32
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Originally Posted by Fusion_power View Post
Tastiheart has been stable for 4 years now Carolyn. I'm sure Heshpole has been stable for about the same length of time.

The reason I mentioned Wanda's Potato Top is because I got a large pink potato leaf heart from it a couple of years ago. I don't recall who traded the seed to me.

I just went back and checked and yes, eyeolf said it was stable and was already listed in the SSE YEarbook.

Darrel, I never heard of Tastiheart until yesterday. Maybe I don't read and post at the right message sites and the right time or missed it or whatever, I don't know. And I can't be the only one who didn't know about it/

But if it's been stable for four years now and you think it's a great variety and you'd like to see it have a wider distribution you know that you can send it to perhaps Glenn or others for trial and/or list it in the SSE Yearbook or even make a seed offer for it here at Tville.

And if you've been selling it as a plant and folks are saving seed from it perhaps they're making it available to others, I just don't know.

The seed offers I make at Tville comprise most, but not all of the varieties I SSE list ( it's a seed number issue) and I like to offer them for an SASE here b'c I get much more feedback here, and I ask for it, than I ever would get thru SSE requests.

it wasn't that way in the 90's b'c folks who requested varieties from a person almost always relisted them, but that was then and this is now and the relist rate has plunged.
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Old December 4, 2010   #33
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I believe Heshpole is stable; locally shared seeds and my own growing over the last couple of years showed no variability beyond what could be explained by individuals in a population and variables in conditions. I sent seeds to SSE last year, confident that selection was done (knowing they'd request it as a unique variety). A few folks have asked for seeds already since this afternoon and I should have no problem honoring the first 20 or so requests, so long as folks are happy with a dozen or so seeds.

I am not personally familiar with Fusion's Tastiheart and a couple of siblings he offers, only know it from a few conversations on the web and his descriptions on his seeds/plants site. Because of the source, obviously Heshpole and Darryl's selections will be similar, and there is a distinct probability his would be superior in the southeast. Tomatophiles nearer to Darryl should inquire with him about plants this spring. I'm not interested in stepping on his toes.

I have grown Wanda's Potatoe Leaf every few years for a long time; I've had it so long that records of provenance havent survived household moves, and we've been here on the farm for over 20 years! I believe I recieved it in trade from a gardener in New York after responding to an ad in either Harrowsmith magazine or Country Journal (remember them?).

I wonder if it and W.'s Pot. Top are the same? WPL is a rampant pink indet, delivers loads of large pink 'steaks, but is fairly late here. Unlike many pinks, it does keep fairly well, so just a few plants can feed a home-grown salsa operation. Flavor is Good, but unremarkable in comparison to dozens of others ready about the same time.
a day without fresh homegrown tomatoes is like... ...sigh
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Old December 9, 2010   #34
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
I think by Craig's Potato leaf you must mean Little Lucky Heart which is PL, which I'd forgotten about.
Craig's Potato Leaf is what Bill Malin called it, and it was in fact found by Craig Lehoullier, but may not always be a heart. Quote from TTG: "I have a red PL heart variety that I found in the Craigs Potato Leaf that I was growing out"
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Old December 9, 2010   #35
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Originally Posted by GunnarSK View Post
Craig's Potato Leaf is what Bill Malin called it, and it was in fact found by Craig Lehoullier, but may not always be a heart. Quote from TTG: "I have a red PL heart variety that I found in the Craigs Potato Leaf that I was growing out"
Right, what Bill called Craig's Potato Leaf never became a genetically stable variety.

Had I known yoou were referring to something that happened in the early 90's I sure wouldn't have suggested it was Little Lucky Heart, which is a very recent development.

Since you never said what color it was I just assumed that you were referring to Little Lucky Heart which is a bicolor though, not a red.

Gunnar posted:
Spudayellow Strawberry (related to German Red Strawberry and surprisingly enough not to Orange Strawberry) and Craig's Potato Leaf are PL hearts, and Grightmire's Pride which I haven't grown myself is supposed to "behave" almost as a non-heart.
And maybe Tormato/Gary found something interesting.


And I read with interest about how what Bill called Craig's Potato leaf came to be and I agree when he said that Bisignano #1 sometimes has heart shaped fruits. So does Prue and there's another one I can't remember now. So maybe some day we'll get a red heart if Prue crosses with a PL. You never know.

Being kind of mom to German Red Strawberry perhaps I can grow Spudayellow Strawberry sometime.
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Old December 10, 2010   #36
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There is also 'Zore's Big Red', a PL red heart that I obtained from Neil Lockhart this year. It grew true to the description, but I wasn't able to get a good tasting this year because of poor weather. He has it listed as originally from Will Bonsall.
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