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Old May 26, 2011   #31
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Oh dear, I'm sorry you're worried. I absolutely hate tornadoes. At least it's just a watch - I don't get too too upset about those. A warning, now then I get upset.

I believe I've heard, if you can't get to a basement, to go to an interier room. I've heard of people hiding in the bathtub. Not sure I'm correct, but that's what I remember.

But hopefully it'll stay just a watch (conditions favorable) rather than a warning (rotation seen).

Fingers crossed.
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Old May 26, 2011   #32
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: West Virginia - Zone 6
Posts: 594

Originally Posted by coloken View Post
Talk about highjacking a post. I guess that the next time I have a question on big zac, I will refer to it as variety X. One expert has a lot of opinions on it but admits to not even eating one, much less actually growing one.
The original post by me was to inquire why I had a defiant PL branch growing on a RL plant. Does this happen some times? Both RL and PL branches are no question about type. By branch I mean one that has no growing tip. The stem??, and plant, that has the growing tip is no question RL
1) Thread jacking and digression can occur depending on the subject. You have the choice to accept it or not go to sites like this.

2) The next time you have a question you might want to state it more clearly. It seems like you have a plant with one stem (so far) that has 3 compound leaves, two of which are RL and one is PL. I got that from your latest post not your original which was most confusing which is why I said I was confused in my original reply.

3) Perhaps you could take a picture and post it for clarification.

4) Branching occurs when "suckers" grow out of a tomato plant (there's a little more to, but that should suffice for now). Branches have growing tips. Compound leaves have a terminal leaflet.

5) You might want to consider taking a look at the following links:

6) You also might want to google tomato plant anatomy.

7) If you have what I think you have (as I identified in #2 above) it is IMHO very rare indeed. I have only heard of one other case.

Good luck.

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