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Old August 24, 2017   #31
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Sorry, never heard of it.

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Old August 25, 2017   #32
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Originally Posted by MdTNGrdner View Post
So when sending in seeds, you want how many bags of beans, peppers, et al? I'm assuming the 10x10 tomatoes are enough to make you crazy - what would make your life easier with other categories? There are some beans and peas that I could easily send 10 bags of 100 seeds, but others only 3 bags of 30... any preference or is it a free for all and you just roll into a corner afterwards?

Making labels now, so excited!
Yeah, I RLL into a corner, but there's no harm, as the walls are padded with bubble mailers.

10 packs of tomatoes (minimum 5 seeds each, 10 is fine), makes things reasonably easy. Adding the Nifty Fifty (50 packs of a variety) will makes things go smoother, as 50 participants X 50 packs = 2500 packs, this will be about 25% of the ~10,000 packs of tomato seeds.

Peppers (minimum 10 seeds per pack) are much more difficult to sort out than tomatoes. I'm hoping quality/rarity over quantity will be sent in, and hopefully multiple packs (~10?) of those varieties.

Beans, peas, and other legumes (minimum 5 seeds per pack) are not as popular as tomatoes and peppers, maybe 15-25 participants compared to 100+ of tomatoes. With beans, anyone wanting more than 5 seeds may request multiple packs of a single variety. If you'd like, you can send beans in bulk packs, and I can split them up depending on demand by participants.

With flowers, and other veggie/fruit seed, I don't require a minimum seed amount per pack, but I'd like to again see multiple packs of any variety sent in.
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Old August 25, 2017   #33
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Originally Posted by Salsacharley View Post
I hope this is a good thread to raise this question. If not, I apologize. I received a packet of pepper seeds back in 2014 labeled "Sugar Pepper". I didn't grow it until this year, and germination was pretty poor, but I got one plant and it is fantastic. The peppers are big and blocky but also shaped similar to Hatch types with narrowed tips. The green fruit is sweet and no heat, but the flavor is superb. My question here is, what the heck is this pepper? I'd like to know anything anybody knows about Sugar Pepper. Thank you.
It's a good thread to raise the question, and an excellent thread if you're going to send in seeds.

For now just call it Sugar Pepper. A web search draws a blank for me. Did you save the label from the original pack? Do you remember how you swapped for it?
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