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Old August 13, 2007   #31
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Is Persimmon PL ? No right ?

~ Tom
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Old August 13, 2007   #32
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No, Persimmon is not PL. That's why I'm asking if everyone to whom Cecil gave seedlings that he grew last year, from the original TGS packet, said they got orange fruit on PL plants and not RL.
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Old August 13, 2007   #33
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I got saved "Country Orange" seeds to germinate as all PL - but Patty_B got RL ...

~ Tom
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I made while learning to see things from the plant's point of view.
~ H. Fred Ale
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Old August 13, 2007   #34
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This may get messy before all is said & done.

First, never reuse seedstarting mix the same year, unless you microwave it, bake it, or remove the seeds that didn't germinate & all are accounted for. If all else fails, keep it moist for at least a month or compost it.

I think we'd need to know:

how many seeds were started of Persimmon,

how many seeds were started of Boondocks,

how many germinated, (if more than either, then you got 2 varieties),

if absolutely 100% were PL,

how many were given out,

if any person had more than one plant,

if any of the friends know what the difference between PL & RL,

if just one person returned orange tomatoes to Cecil,

and if Cecil saved seeds from 1 tomato or many,

and if just from 1 person's garden or multiple people...

then you'd need to know what else was grown in that or those garden(s).

There's always a chance Persimmon mutated to PL before Cecil received them, and Boondocks never grew but Persimmon did, and the instance of a saved seed being RL could be reverting back to Persimmon's original form... or a cross.

So much more to know...
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Old August 13, 2007   #35
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Originally Posted by bcday View Post
Cecil, can you clear something up for me? I thought all of the Country Orange were descended from that one orange Boondocks tomato that your friend brought back.

Now it sounds like several friends got seedlings in the Spring of 2006 that you grew from the original TGS packet, and last Fall each of those friends said they got orange fruit on PL plants?

I'm asking because at first you said you sowed Persimmon seeds from TGS and they were no shows, so you reseeded with Boondocks, and then decided you must have stirred up the lost seed and caused the Persimmon to germinate.
You are correct, all the seedlings are descended from the tomato plant I gave a friend. All other seedlings were grown this year from the seeds I saved and fermented in the fall of 2006 from several differant tomatoes, from my friends garden. He only grew what I gave him.

My Persimmon were no shows, but I also had Boondocks already growing at same time, didn't I? I can't remember.
If I did replace a six pack later with Boondocks, I would have replaced the potting mix with fresh. I always do. It is doubtful any persimmon seed would have been present. This particular batch was in a separate 6 pack from mine and there is relatively no chance of a persimmon seed being in there. I remember worrying about a mix up when the orange first showed up,but then realized I had replaced the potting mix.
To tell you the truth, I just shared seeds from a really good tomato, whatever it is.

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Old August 13, 2007   #36
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Well, an orange PL boondocks from a boondocks x persimmon
cross would have to be F2. If it were F1, it would have been
RL, like persimmon, and you'd think whoever harvested
the seed for TGS would have noticed that "this supposed boondocks plant is RL, while the rest of the plants in this
row are PL," not to mention that the fruit color probably
would have been different than boondocks, even if the fruit
were the same size and shape.

More likely it was an F1 cross of boondocks with some
other big-fruited orange cultivar, also PL, and the RL
plants are from a bee-made cross last year.

But this is all idle speculation.

All that we know is that if the original was PL,
it was not persimmon, and it was not an F1 of
a cross of the PL Boondocks with persimmon
(which would also have been RL), and that it
was mighty tasty.
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Old August 13, 2007   #37
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Except for KBX, I can't think of any true orange PL's... can anybody name some? (Ruling out Elbe, Yellow BW, AGG, etc.)

ALSO, has anybody compared it to KBX?
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Old August 13, 2007   #38
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Originally Posted by cecilsgarden View Post
You are correct, all the seedlings are descended from the tomato plant I gave a friend. All other seedlings were grown this year from the seeds I saved and fermented in the fall of 2006 from several differant tomatoes, from my friends garden. He only grew what I gave him.
Did he grow multiple "Boondocks" plants or just one? What else did HE grow there? Are all the orange tomatoes from 1 plant or more than 1 plant?
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Old August 13, 2007   #39
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I'm curious as to how the rest of the seedlings from the original TGS Boondocks packet turned out. Did they come true as Boondocks?
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Old August 13, 2007   #40
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"First, never reuse seedstarting mix the same year, unless you microwave it, bake it, or remove the seeds that didn't germinate & all are accounted for. If all else fails, keep it moist for at least a month or compost it."

I don't reuse it. I dump it and add fresh potting mix

"I think we'd need to know:"

"How many seeds were started of Persimmon"

The whole pack

"How many seeds were started of Boondocks"

The whole pack

"How many germinated, (if more than either, then you got 2 varieties)"

No Persimmon ever came up. I dumped the mix, added fresh, Started Boondocks. All plants were PL. I thinned to 8 seedlings. 6 for me, two for him, if memory serves, but it could have been one, but condiering his love for Pink tomatoes, I think he got two plants. Mine died. His lived. All seedlings in my trays labeled Boondocks and his separate tray labeled Boondocks were PL, not RL. All mix was dumped from all cells and when seed came up, all basically at the same time, all were PL. I over watered mine or something and they died.

"If absolutely 100% were PL"


"How many were given out"

From my original seed, labeled Boondocks. One or two were given out. Mine died. From seed saved from those tomatoes I gave out a lot.

"If any person had more than one plant"

No idea!

"If any of the friends know what the difference between PL & RL"

Yes, they are into heirlooms and know the differance. The original from last yerar and the other friend ths year.

"If just one person returned orange tomatoes to Cecil"

Yes, just the one

"And if Cecil saved seeds from 1 tomato or many"

Saved from three

"And if just from 1 person's garden or multiple people..."

Saved seed just fro one garden and one person

"Then you'd need to know what else was grown in that or those garden(s)."

My memory isn't that good, but I think it was
2 Marianna's Peace, 1 Earl's Faux, 1 Druzba and 2 Boondocks.

Also, he grows all tomatoes very close and doesn't bag the blossoms.


(All answers are to the best of my knowledge from the few records that I kept.)
Hybrids Rule, Heirlooms Drool!
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Old August 13, 2007   #41
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
I dunno Tom, but I don't see much difference in the color of your AGG and your CO.
I don't either. However, I will say both AGG and Yellow Brandywine can get quite orange for me when dead ripe. At least, that is my experience, although I know you prefer the term "gold" for AGG.

PL orange/gold med-lg fruited beefsteaks include Aunt Gertie's Gold, Summer Cider, Yellow Brandywine, KBX.

I don't think TGS has carried Summer Cider or KBX, and I'm not even sure they've carried AGG until very recently. I think it was just Mariseeds carrying AGG last year, and she ran out.

Fun with pictures (click thumbnails to enlarge):

L to R: Tom's pic of "Country Orange", Yellow Brandywine (Plat), AGG, Summer Cider, Kellogg's Breakfast, Orange Heirloom.

Start2007Cont.29005.jpg yellow+bw+plat.jpg aunt+gerties+gold.jpg summer+cider.jpg kelloggsbsliced.jpg orange+heirloom.jpg

With the exception of the KB, all of my pictures were taken inside w/the same camera under the same general lighting conditions (inside/flash). Tom's picture looks like the lighting isn't very good (no offense Tom!) which would tend to make things darker. Also, I just threw in the pic of KB and Orange Heirloom for comparison purposes, as they are not PL.

Tom says he doesn't see it as the same as to looks or taste when compared to AGG, which he is also growing this year. So, I wonder if it could be Yellow Brandywine, based on what TGS was carrying at the time?

Tom and others currently growing this unknown variety, have you ever grown YB before?
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Old August 13, 2007   #42
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If I had to vote on looks, I'd pick the Country Orange. Gorgeous looking inside...nice size and colour....please send me a slice....

; - )

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Old August 14, 2007   #43
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Suze: Tom and others currently growing this unknown variety, have you ever grown YB before?

Have never grown YB before, but have seed and if Linda can not explain I can absolutley grow it in comparison next season ...

The growth habit of CO: Fruits develope in clusters of 2-4 on lower / mid. part of plant and hang down

The growth habit of AGG: Fruits develop on different areas of plant but
1-2 per cluster (mostly 1)

The flavor is also whats different: AGG with that "acid bite" (green gel on seed) and CO a nice rich balance of sweet/acid ...

Interesting ...

~ Tom
My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes
I made while learning to see things from the plant's point of view.
~ H. Fred Ale

Last edited by Tomstrees; August 14, 2007 at 10:59 AM. Reason: tpyo ~ thanks BCDAY
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Old August 15, 2007   #44
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Here are slices of my first two RL Country Orange. Very solid and meaty, taste was good but not as sweet as some of my other favorites. The biggest ones are still green, maybe they will have that extra touch of sweetness! Patty
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Old July 1, 2008   #45
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My RL COuntry Orange taken today, looks interesting. Can't remember if they had a point last year. Hoping that it won't flatten to beefsteak shape! Patty

Aug. 2,
They seem to be small but still orange and solid as they are ripening. The top tomatoes have the same form and not like last year at all.
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Last edited by patty_b; August 2, 2008 at 11:09 AM. Reason: add pics....
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