September 8, 2015 | #46 | |
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Michigan Zone 4b
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Yes, CDT is a wonderful, terrific tomato. I have been growing it every year since you first offered it in your seed offer a number of years ago. It had become one of my favorites since the first year I grew it out. It always does well for me. So many wonderful varieties of Spanish tomatoes I have yet to try. Ginny Last edited by barefootgardener; September 8, 2015 at 04:47 PM. |
September 9, 2015 | #47 | |
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Just wanted to tell a bit about the history as most don't know it, and the wrong thing gets distributed around. If people try something else, they won't realize nor appreciate how unique and wonderful these tomatoes are. |
September 13, 2015 | #48 |
Join Date: Feb 2013
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I'll send some Spanish tomato seeds to the swap MMM (Tormato). I would also like to send some seeds to a menu Carolyn (they are five seeds in bags), but I do not know if Carolyn would agree.
I will send the seeds of packeted flowers, only on MMM I will send one variety as Mystery. I am not yet able to assign it a name (it is black and I had a business card pink). But it's a beautiful tomato, I only must have to wait one year to determine. I do not have a test germination of my seeds. Vladimír Gallego PS.: Tomato native province of Galicia (Spain). Mid season, indeterminante, regular leaves, large red fruits (600-700 g) with a very thin skin, good taste, sweet. |
September 13, 2015 | #49 | |
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I prefer the large beefsteak ones like your Gallego one, as an example. And do you remember the Colgar one that Ilex showed with the older man holding a plant with Huge fruits, not typical Colgar types at all, but what do I know. I'll be getting quite a few new Spanish ones from Ilex in Spain via his listings in the SSE Yearbook and have also shared with him what I prefer and am letting him make the final choices. So when seed production is done ,hopefully next summer, perhaps I can send some new ones to you, I just offered to Ilex for his SSE listings, and now to you, one from Spain that I'd forgotten I had and that's Not many seeds left but looks like a great heart. Carolyn
Carolyn |
September 15, 2015 | #50 |
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"Darocense" means "from Daroca", which a beautiful village in Zaragoza, Aragon.
September 15, 2015 | #51 |
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thanks for the information. Vladimír |
September 15, 2015 | #52 |
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Negro Tegurta
I got seeds of this variety from Charline. One plant has grown. They are large black pleated tomatoes. Fertile. Taste average. I do not like pleated tomatoes Vladimír |
September 15, 2015 | #53 |
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Location: Michigan Zone 4b
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Stunning pictures of your tomatoes Vladimir! I am enjoying this thread immensely. Thank you for the pictures and descriptions of your harvest. I know you are putting a lot of sweat equity into your garden, and it shows by your just rewards!
Have you had a chance to taste Rosa de Huesca yet, or are the fruit still green? Ginny |
September 16, 2015 | #54 |
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Rosa de Huesca
I ate tomatoes Rosa de Huesca earlier. They taste me all red and pink beefsteaks. I am not able to decide which the most. Yesterday I brought from the garden, these two tomatoes (350 g, 600 g) on the picture. Vladimír |
September 16, 2015 | #55 |
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Location: Michigan Zone 4b
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Very nice tomatoes. Thank you for the reply.
How much longer does your tomato season go on? We had our first light frost last Saturday. All my tomatoes from the garden and greenhouse are done for the season. I just have a few that I picked green that are ripening up in my GH. Ginny |
September 19, 2015 | #56 |
Join Date: Feb 2013
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Posts: 554
It’s very difficult to track down the origins of huevos de toros / couilles de taureau the deeper one digs the murkier it gets.
The variety found in the USA – at least one of them - followed a known path : in the 30’s a Spanish refugee near Bordeaux gave seeds to Roland, a well-known French tomato fan, and said they looked like huevos de toro but never added they were huevos de toros. French fans still make the distinction. Roland sent seeds to Dr Reinhard in Germany, who sent some to Carolyn in the US. Of course there may be other sources. In Spain the owner of the site tne town of Jaen insists he is the sole seller of the genuine variety. He refuses to sell seeds but the tomatoes he sells at outrageous prices have some. Tomatovilians who read Spanish may have a look at ... -toro.html or see Victoria Abril a well-known actress in Spain at ... 80425.html. . A lady of Spanish origin living in France recently went to Jaen and will tell me if she has been able to find some seeds. Now let me ask MrBig46 to help me. Another Spanish refugee near Toulouse brought his own seeds that were so successful that were kept from generation to generation.. I was given seeds,. I named that tomato Dominico in memory of the man who brought them, of course not an official name. The plant is more than 6 feet tall, extremely productive, gives big red tomatoes. If MrBig or anyone one else can identify them from the pictures information will be welcomed. I add two pictures of tomatoes grown from the seeds Roland sent me. I call them Cdt Roland which can be understood in French as Commander Roland of course without the vulgarity of CDT which definitely can’t be used in a restaurant or on a market-place if children are present ! Last edited by loulac; September 19, 2015 at 11:08 AM. Reason: spelling |
September 19, 2015 | #57 | |
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Ilex, from Spain, has been posting here quite a bit lately and has said that there's more than one variety called Huevos de Taureau and we agree it was the red one that made it's way to France where Roland Robin renamed it. There is nothing to confirm your refugee story viz tomatoes you had Gary put up at Tomatofest. Refugees yes, What I did was to contact a person I know who is fluent in French and she posted at a major site in France where Roland was at the time and asked for the background on it, and then translated to English and e-mailed me those translations. Ilex is also an SSE member and lists 73 varieties and I've already contacted him about getting more. You might also remember that it was you and Gary and myself who were on a shared e-mail and the next thing I know he puts up your version and when I try to contact him he is not available. Here is your version from Tomatofest, You never even mention Huevos de Toro and yes, Roland Robin did receive it as Huevos de Toro , it turned out to be the red one and yes, it was he who renamed it to Couilles de Taureau. All I know use the abbreviation CdT for it so the ones you said Roland sent you would be Couilles de Taureau, not CDT, to which you gave another name and different translation. Having Ilex from Spain here has clarified a lot of issues and he's been very helpful to Vladimir in the Czech Republic, as you know, who has been gowing out many varieties from Spain. And I look forward myself to seeing what he sends me via his listings, for SSE members only, and have made some general suggestions but have said to him that it's his final choice, I didn't really want to post this but I had what we call a bad taste in my mouth after you and Gary decided to cut me out of any discussion and when I tried to both call and e-mail Gary there was no response and I decided to let it go, b'c whatever is said it's a darn good variety. I must admit when I saw your post that it brought back to me some very unpleasant memories. If you have anything to say to me about the above,you can e-mail me, I'm sure you still have my e-mail address, or you can PM me here at Tville. In any case I do not want to see in this thead any discussions between us about the red Huevos de Taureau, Couilles de Taureau or your refugee story based on the English translations sent back to me from France. Perhaps it's possible that we both know part of the story but I disagree completley that the origin of Couilles de Taureau, nee the red Huevos de Taureau are what you refer to as "murky". Carolyn
Carolyn |
September 19, 2015 | #58 |
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Thank you for giving your own point of view on the subject.
I've regularly been in touch with Roland and I don't see why he would have given me a wrong story. So I stick to my version of Spanish refugees. I must add I've never had close contacts with Gary, I only offered him seeds and didn't appreciate the blurb he wrote about them. I had no contact with him afterwards and buy my seeds elsewhere. To make a long story short let's agree to disagree and enjoy growing our tomatoes ! |
September 19, 2015 | #59 | |
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Just letting you know that I found the reports sent back to me by my friend and Roland's real name is Alain Robin, and he also posts as Diego, and Roland said he got CdT from his Spanish neighbor who had renamed it Cdt and had said nothing about being a refugee and Alain lives in Aquataine, france and his website is the jardin one which I had known about before. So I was wrong about Roland renaming it, it was his Spanish neighbor who did so ,in French of course. And the whole connection with Huevos was brought up at Tomodori from a good friend of the person getting back to me with reports and her name is Conchita, from Spain. I'm wondering now if Ilex knows her since she was represented to me as perhaps an expert on Spanish tomato varieties. It took me a while to find all those reports back from France and read all of them, but I'm glad I did.And there's more in those reports that I'm not going to post except to say that perhaps the name Sebastian might be familiar to you as well if you read at Tomodori as well as at Jardin. Carolyn, who agrees that enough has been said about this topic.
Carolyn |
September 19, 2015 | #60 | |
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I've seen a few under that name, an oxheart, a big beefsteak, a quite bland tasting one I grew once, and the one below. And of course, the one that came from Spain via France. Maybe one or two more but that's not very clear in my mind right now. Last edited by ilex; September 19, 2015 at 07:05 PM. |