Forum area for discussing hybridizing tomatoes in technical terms and information pertinent to trait/variety specific long-term (1+ years) growout projects.
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July 22, 2007 | #1 |
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Arkansas zone 6b
Posts: 441
Input on potential crosses?
I have a few dozen heirloom tomatoes, more if you count cherry types, growing this year. I want to cross a few of them, but I know how much room it takes to grow them out in the future, so I'd like to narrow it down. Your input on which ones might be the most worthwhile will be appreciated.
Joya de Oaxaca X Yellow Peacevine (stability unknown) Joya de Oaxaca X Esther's Cherry Joya de Oaxaca X Yellow Giant Belgium Joya de Oaxaca X Hillbilly Joya de Oaxaca X Black Krim Joya de Oaxaca X Watermelon Beefsteak PL Black Krim X Black Cherry Black Krim X Cherokee Purple Black Krim X Peacevine Black Krim X Watermelon Beefsteak PL Black Krim X Hillbilly Grrr... I'm being called away. That's enough, I guess... |
July 29, 2007 | #2 |
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Black Hills SD Z4
Posts: 89
Just do what connects for you! I love Sungold's flavor, but would like a bigger size. I tried a few crosses this season, but none of them took. Maybe I will try again, but mostly, I am too busy this year to devote much attention to the project.
It doesn't necessarily take a lot of space, if you have several seasons in which to do the growouts. It's definitely more hit or miss with just planting a few seeds of each instead of dozens, but I've had some success in the course of three or so seasons with just planting a few seeds each of my various tests. -Ed |
July 29, 2007 | #3 |
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Arkansas zone 6b
Posts: 441
I got a little carried away with the possibilities...
And thanks for the advice, Ed. I've narrowed my focus a bit since the original post. Has anyone tried any of these Cherokee Purple crosses before? CP x Watermelon Beefsteak CP x Joya de Oaxaca CP x Black Krim CP x Yellow Giant Belgium Or anything similar? I saw some pics recently of a CP x Brandywine that left me salivating... |
July 29, 2007 | #4 |
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: West Coast, Canada
Posts: 961
Not familiar with joya de oaxaca - so here is the googled description: tri-colored beefsteak, green shoulders, yellow body, red flame at blossom end; very good flavor but irregular and huge.
This is different from Oaxacan Jewel - right?
D. |
July 29, 2007 | #5 |
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Arkansas zone 6b
Posts: 441
It translates literally "Jewel of Oaxaca," which could very well be the same as Oaxacan Jewel? The description you posted is typical of the ones I'm growing, though they aren't entirely irregular.
July 30, 2007 | #6 |
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743
"CP x Black Krim"
This one probably has the potential to produce offspring with the best flavor, but I don't see how you improve on either CP or BK by crossing them together. You probably end up with something like Carbon or Paul Robeson or a slightly smaller Cherokee Chocolate with subtly different flavor (and you could just grow those instead). "CP x Joya de Oaxaca" This one has possibilities for unusual color and shape, good flavor, etc. If Joya de Oaxaca is like most cultivars from Mexico, it is probably quite late maturing, and if you get offspring with a DTM closer to CP that still taste great, that is an improvement. "CP x Watermelon Beefsteak CP x Yellow Giant Belgium" I don't know anything about these two. Mild flavored? Productivity? Is it just size that makes them interesting as potential parent strains? Want to improve the flavor while still getting big fruit? Feel free to experiment. I would caution against making any judgements based on the flavor of the F1 hybrid generation. "Keep or toss" is an F2, F3, or F4 decision, when you have a better idea of what the range of flavors is going to be. If you have offspring that is productive and robust and interesting-looking but a little bland, you could cross the best F2 or F3 back to CP again to maybe improve the flavor.
-- alias |
August 6, 2007 | #7 |
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Arkansas zone 6b
Posts: 441
CPxBlack Krim... point taken. Think I'll just try Paul Robeson...
CPx Joya de Oaxaca - Color and flavor variations are the idea here. I wouldn't be disappointed if Joya increased the size a bit... Joya was actually quite earlier than CP to produce fruit for me, and it is definitely more prolific. Watermelon Beefsteak and Yellow Giant Belgium are interesting to me because of their flavors. WB (mine are actually a stabilized pink to purple colored PL, not exactly the description you'd find in, say, TGS...) has a good balance of acid and sweet, and happens to be fairly early and prolific. YGB is late and miserly (at first,) but has large, almost orange fruits with great texture and flavor. They taste a little "pumpkiny" when fully ripe, unique. Also, they plants are rather robust. Any more thoughts? |
August 8, 2007 | #8 |
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743
"Any more thoughts?"
Yeah. Paul Robeson is a fine tomato, but Carbon crosses produced some of the best-flavored F2 and F3 plants in the Dwarf Project. Assuming that you may also be interested in other experiments in future years, maybe growing Carbon would give you more useful potential parent stock than Paul Robeson. Flavor is mostly random chance, of course, but the genes that produce Carbon's flavor may tend more toward dominant genes than than those of many other good-tasting cultivars. (This might be true of Galina, too. I have an RL cherry that came up out of Galina seeds, kind of small leaves, spindly stems, etc. But the fruit is still a yellow cherry, and the flavor still has a real snap to it. Seems to be sensitive to ripeness. A little overripe and they become sweeter but without the impact flavor of fruit that are picked with green shoulders and ripened on a counter.) I live in the NW, so crossing anything earlier than CP with it that still has size, productivity, and good flavor sounds like a good idea to me.
-- alias |