General information and discussion about cultivating fruit-bearing plants, trees, flowers and ornamental plants.
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November 19, 2019 | #1 |
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 614
Phenomenal Lavender?
I've been reading about this new hardier variety of lavender, "Phenomenal" - that has high disease, cold, and heat-humidity tolerance. Attractive to me as it can apparently grow in Central Florida. Then I started looking on various web sites, and some recommend it for Zones 5-10 while others say 5-8. I'm in 9B.
I'd love to try some, even if it means keeping it in a large tall pot with extra attention to drainage and perhaps moving it to an area where in the heat of the summer it only gets morning sun and partial coverage from our afternoon tropical rains. Has anyone here had luck with it? I love the idea of having some by the south facing front door where the scent will greet us and guests. Even if I have to rotate it out. -- Ann |
November 19, 2019 | #2 |
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 5,931
try it in a pot perhaps. Lavender needs good drainage.
KarenO |
November 20, 2019 | #3 |
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 614
That's the hope. I asked on a local gardening forum on Facebook and the woman who'd grown it had no luck, and she sounded like she knew what she was doing in terms of drainage. I'd probably do a tall pot with a medium full of perlite or vermiculite.
In fact, I sidetracked at lunch yesterday and was looking into DIY large containers. I'd kind of like to be able to use something vertical like a five gallon bucket, but have an outer container that looks classier. I stumbled onto hypertufa lightweight concrete, and I'm hoping once the veggie garden falls more into shape, we can look into trying our hand at that for some interesting front-yard large containers for growing ornamentals. My sweetie does have a degree in art sculpture he's not putting to use... |