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Old March 2, 2010   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Default Oxheart cherry varieties?

Are there currently any oxheart cherry varieties? If so, what are they?
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Old March 2, 2010   #2
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I know Johnny's Seeds has a Hybrid called Tomatoberry which is suppose to be the size and shape of a strawberry. Seeds are expensive at 50 cents each, 10 for 5 dollars but I did buy a packet when I was ordering a few other varieties from them. I think I am going to be growing them this year but have yet to finalize my grow list.

I have not had a chance to do much seaching on what everyone thinks of this variety.

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Old March 2, 2010   #3
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A cherry oxheart is kind of an oxymoron. Unless you mean just a heart-shaped cherry.

That Tomatoberry is about the only variety I know that is a heart-shape but still cherry size.

Just one caution on that one tho -- it is definately an F-1 hybrid. I ordered seeds from another small company last year. Even tho they did NOT say that the seeds they were selling were NOT the F-1, they definately were NOT. Out of more than 30 plants, not 1 gave me a small heart shaped fruit. A few were small but not as small as a cherry and not heart shaped. Most were heart shaped BUT not small. Many were oxhearts and were in the 1/2 lb to 1 lb range.

Most likely a complicated hybrid similar to the Sun Gold hybrid that people are still trying to stabilize.

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Old March 2, 2010   #4
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One of the new varieties to be planted this summer is called Dwarf Red Heart by the person who gave me the seeds. Now I don't know if the fruits are cherry size, but a dwarf, and I'm not sure we're talking about a thick stemmed, rugose foliaged dwarf or a det, I doubt would have large fruits. So we'll see.

Another one that I grew many years ago also had small red hearts and that variety is Julia, which I'd listed in the SSE Yearbook. I guess it wasn't relisted, was then relisted by SSE itself and I saw one entry for it that said it was shaped like a roma, but that's not what I saw when I grew it.
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