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Old May 2, 2011   #1
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Default Full Acre Crisis Garden!

LOL... right now for only $149

Now i am aware that there are certain governments that are doing exactly this but on a much larger scale. My question is, amongst the hype in that website this claim is made.... "When the going gets tough... you'll only want this special type of seed which will produce not only outstanding nutritional plants but will allow you to plant the seeds from the plants you grow unlike sterile hybrids. Most seed companies are now selling only "terminator" seeds which have been genetically modified and will not reproduce themselves."

What's this about sterile Hybrids seeds? Is this website making the claim that a seed from a store bought watermelon or tom won't grow?

At any rate i think one could duplicate this whole idea for a heck of a lot less that $149, but I also question the need.

Got the toms in this weekend, two weeks late. Only 4 were mine started from some seed given to me several years ago from someone here, they are Black Cherries. The other 14 were grown locally by a mom&pop in 2 greenhouses, a couple are so large they have blooms already, most were 10-14" tall and not spinly, (some watermelon plants, cucs and peppers) all for $18.50, when these people pass on I'll have to resort to all grown from seeds in my gardens wouldn't want to buy all these plants at Lowe's.....
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Old May 2, 2011   #2
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I'm not sure what they mean by "terminator" seeds, but I purchased some marigold seed this year that is bred not to set any seeds. This purchase was the first time I had ever heard of marigolds not setting any seeds. I am wondering if seed companies are working towards a goal of breeding flowers and vegetables so they don't set any seed or the seed doesn't reproduce so people are dependent on the seed company for their seeds.

I'm sure someone who is more knowledgeable than myself will respond to the "terminator" seeds.
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Old May 2, 2011   #3
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I know Burpee had a seedless tomato last year. I grabbed a plant on clearance, but the white flies got it.

Ebay has a ton of people selling survival seed packs. They are packed in foil and even more complicated methods. Apparently there is a market.
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Old May 2, 2011   #4
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Yeah, I'm aware of these fear-mongers. They're a joke. What a bunch of opportunists. I wouldn't doubt if our country ends up in some sort of Great Depression-like crisis. History would argue in favor of something like that eventually, but that's no excuse to rip people off and lie to them.

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Old May 3, 2011   #5
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I still remember the things they got people to buy for year 2000. Grain mill for when you can't get flour. Right... and where will you get the grain?

My older lady friend did get sucked into some of that - giant cans of food from the mormons or something.

At least the seeds are cheaper.
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Old May 3, 2011   #6
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Originally Posted by tam91 View Post
I still remember the things they got people to buy for year 2000. Grain mill for when you can't get flour. Right... and where will you get the grain?

My older lady friend did get sucked into some of that - giant cans of food from the mormons or something.

At least the seeds are cheaper.
Yeah, I remember watching a "Christian" television program (and I'm not against religious programming should anyone get that impression) where they had a commercial for their Y2K products. An old lady went to turn on a faucet and nothing came out and she gets this look of utter horror. And the announcer dude is all, "Y-2-K!" He sounded something like those monster truck announcer guys, like, "Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!" It was a complete joke.

A friend of mine got taken into all that and got himself a shotgun. He was all ashamed when he told me about it too.
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Old May 3, 2011   #7
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These places that prey upon people's fears really bother me. Here's another one that makes them seem patriotic and religious.
"I wake to sleep and take my waking slow"
-Theodore Roethke

Yes, we have a great party for WNY/Ontario tomato growers every year on Grand Island!
Owner of The Sample Seed Shop
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Old May 3, 2011   #8
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To me, there is awareness and then there is hysteria motivated by profiteering by way of fear-mongering. The former is honorable, the latter is not. Should people collect non-GMO seed? Sure. Is it wrong to make a profit from selling good seed? No. But in my opinion when you use fear and lies, you are no better than Monsanto.

This is America. People can do what they want and believe what they want, but don't expect good, honest folks not to say anything about it when you take advantage of simple-minded folks and senior citizens.
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