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Old May 9, 2011   #1
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Default Wispy or not?

After researching for info about these varieties, I'm still not sure if I'm looking for foliage to be wispy on the following varieties. If you have grown them and can say, "Yes, wispy" or "Not wispy" I'd appreciate the help. I'm trying to make a garden map and the plants are still too small to tell much.

Aunt Astrida's Latvian Heart - YES
Bartsky's Pink
Brandywine, Heart Shaped
Bull's Heart
Canadian Heart
Donskoi - YES
Fish Lake Oxheart
Granny's Heart - YES
Japanese Oxheart - YES
Joe Theineman's Australian Heart - YES
Kardia Karpos - ?
Mrs. Houseworth
Orange Oxheart
Rosalie's Early Orange
Russian Pink Heart
Sylvan Guame - YES
...and lastly, for Zore's Big Red, my notes say that it's both PL AND wispy/droopy- can that be right? YES

Thanks for any info you might be able to provide.


Last edited by kath; May 9, 2011 at 08:35 PM. Reason: edited to show input
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Old May 9, 2011   #2
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Kardia Karpos

Kath, this is not a variety, it's a general name that Tormato gave to the seeds he gave me to offer in my seed offer, and it isn't known what kinds of plants/fruits will come of those seeds yet, except most folks who reported back have gotten the desired PL leaf form as noted in the feedback thread.

May I ask where you're doing your research? Many of those are already described at Tania's website as I recall.

I'll see what others have to say b'c there are some on that list I've grown and many I haven't so I'm not going to be much help I don't think. Even if you go to the page at Tania's and there isn't much info other than where the seeds are sold, that can help b'c here I'm thinking of Hay's which was an introduction of Jeff Casey's at his website and yes, I grew it this past summer, but don't remember it as being wispy leaved, but then I have to rely on Freda to describe plants for me b'c I can't get out there with my walker.

In addition, Barkeater just distributed seeds for Granny's Heart so he's the only one right now who could answer you.

I would think the info at Gleckler's would be accurate for the Zore one if Tania doesn't have it.
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Old May 9, 2011   #3
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Aunt Astrida's Latvian Heart - w
Granny's Heart - w
Japanese Oxheart - w
Joe Theineman's Australian Heart - w
Sylvan Guame - I don't remember this as being particularly wispy
...and lastly, for Zore's Big Red, my notes say that it's both PL AND wispy/droopy- can that be right? - correct
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Old May 9, 2011   #4
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Originally Posted by Suze View Post
Aunt Astrida's Latvian Heart - w
Granny's Heart - w
Japanese Oxheart - w
Joe Theineman's Australian Heart - w
Sylvan Guame - I don't remember this as being particularly wispy
...and lastly, for Zore's Big Red, my notes say that it's both PL AND wispy/droopy- can that be right? - correct
Suze, while I said above that only Barkeater would know about Granny's Heart I keep forgetting that if you folks in the south have seeds for a new variety you'll have them up and running way before those of us in the north do.

I have a different understanding of what wispy means, perhaps. TO me, for several decades it's meant that the leaves are very narrow and the leaf edges finely dissected and thus RL, not PL. And I know that many of my long time tomato friends going back to the late 80's, early 90's also interpret it that way.

Now many wispy type leaf varieties also droop and that's common for many heart and paste varieties, but I see droopy as being separate from wispy.

PL varieties that are wispy?, no

PL varieties that are droopy but not wispy, yes.

RL varieties that are both wispy and droopy?, yes.

RL varieties that are wispy but not droopy?, yes.

So that's my operating view of the terms wispy and droopy that I've used for many many years as have many others, and I'll continue to use those words in the same way that I have been for about the last 35 years or so.

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Old May 9, 2011   #5
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Originally Posted by Suze View Post
Aunt Astrida's Latvian Heart - w
Granny's Heart - w
Japanese Oxheart - w
Joe Theineman's Australian Heart - w
Sylvan Guame - I don't remember this as being particularly wispy
...and lastly, for Zore's Big Red, my notes say that it's both PL AND wispy/droopy- can that be right? - correct
Thanks very much, Suze, that was a great help!
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Old May 9, 2011   #6
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My researching was done using Tatiana's site, Tomatoville, Google, PMs about trades made and websites that sell seed for the varieties.

My Kardia Karpos seedlings are PL but I just didn't know if they were expected to be one of the wispy/droopy kinds of hearts. I guess I'll just wait and see on these and report what I get when that thread is posted later this season.

It's certainly not critical that I get input about this, I just thought I'd put it out there in case folks who've grow them before me might see my post and be inclined to help me out so that I can get some garden planning done before the crazy plant out day gets here.

Thanks for the "wispy" vs. "droopy" lesson.
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Old May 9, 2011   #7
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Originally Posted by kath View Post

My researching was done using Tatiana's site, Tomatoville, Google, PMs about trades made and websites that sell seed for the varieties.

My Kardia Karpos seedlings are PL but I just didn't know if they were expected to be one of the wispy/droopy kinds of hearts. I guess I'll just wait and see on these and report what I get when that thread is posted later this season.

It's certainly not critical that I get input about this, I just thought I'd put it out there in case folks who've grow them before me might see my post and be inclined to help me out so that I can get some garden planning done before the crazy plant out day gets here.

Thanks for the "wispy" vs. "droopy" lesson.
And Tormato will be putting up a thread near Fall for feedback from those folks growing out Kardia Karpos so we shall see what kinds of plants and fruits and leaf forms and plant habits might appear.

When he first PMed me about what he calls Kardia Karpos, trust me, the background is VERY complicated and even he isn't sure about some of it, so I didn't psot any of that when I listed it in my seed offer.

So it will be fun to see what does appear.

how I wish I had the room to grow out some here at home, but sadly I don't. Gone are the days when I grew several hundreds of plants and varieties each season. Time for some of you younger folks to take up the tomato banner and run with it.
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Old May 9, 2011   #8
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Originally Posted by kath View Post
After researching for info about these varieties, I'm still not sure if I'm looking for foliage to be wispy on the following varieties. If you have grown them and can say, "Yes, wispy" or "Not wispy" I'd appreciate the help. I'm trying to make a garden map and the plants are still too small to tell much.

Aunt Astrida's Latvian Heart
Bartsky's Pink
Brandywine, Heart Shaped
Bull's Heart
Canadian Heart
Fish Lake Oxheart
Granny's Heart
Japanese Oxheart
Joe Theineman's Australian Heart
Kardia Karpos
Mrs. Houseworth
Orange Oxheart
Rosalie's Early Orange
Russian Pink Heart
Sylvan Guame
...and lastly, for Zore's Big Red, my notes say that it's both PL AND wispy/droopy- can that be right?

Thanks for any info you might be able to provide.

Donskoi - YES
Joe Theiniman's Australian Heart - yes
Sylvan Guame - no
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Old May 9, 2011   #9
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May I ask if Ed's Fat Plum is considered wispy? I'm growing it this year and wispy is how I'd describe the foliage, but I haven't seen it described as such.


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Old May 9, 2011   #10
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Originally Posted by shlacm View Post
Donskoi - YES
Joe Theiniman's Australian Heart - yes
Sylvan Guame - no
Thanks much for your input!
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