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Old July 15, 2011   #1
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Milka's Red Bulgarian & Sandhill

I noticed Sandhill Preservation lists seed for Kroska Pink Bulgarian (or is it Kraska), but not for Milka's Red Bulgarian. This seems odd to me.

I sent an e-mail to Sandhill, but they state on their website that they don't answer all e-mail questions. Since I am not sure whether or not I will hear back from Sandhill, I thought I would post here and see if anyone knows whether this is an oversight in the catalog (and website), or if they do not offer seeds for Milka's Red Bulgarian?
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Old July 15, 2011   #2
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Originally Posted by Mark0820 View Post
I noticed Sandhill Preservation lists seed for Kroska Pink Bulgarian (or is it Kraska), but not for Milka's Red Bulgarian. This seems odd to me.

I sent an e-mail to Sandhill, but they state on their website that they don't answer all e-mail questions. Since I am not sure whether or not I will hear back from Sandhill, I thought I would post here and see if anyone knows whether this is an oversight in the catalog (and website), or if they do not offer seeds for Milka's Red Bulgarian?
I'm the original source for both varieties and I know I sent seeds for both to Glenn. And I'm pretty sure I've seen Milka listed in previous catalogs but I did check the 2011 catalog and it isn't there and Glenn isn't listing it in the 2011 SSE YEarbook, so I don't know if it's an oversight, or deliberate due to lack of seed production or whatever.

I've never seen Glenn say that they don't answer all questions. In the front of the catalog, which is the same at the website the sentence reads:

"Please do not expect an immediate e-mail response".

And I do know that Glenn is out of town right now but don't know if Linda accompanied him.

Almost forgot. David Kroska was my source for both varieties and so it's spelled Kroska. Milka was a patient of his and we were supposed to name the other one together but lost communication so I just called it Kroska Pink Bulgarian.

I've been offering older seeds for both varieties in my annual seed offer here at Tville.

I see I sent seeds for Milka to Tania as well as Jeff Casey and see no listing for Milka for Sandhill in 2010 b'c I don't think Tania has entered all places for 2011 so perhaps it's been missing from the Sandhill catalog for longer than I thought. And I can't believe that I sent just the pink one and not Milka b'c the latter is far superior.

And I'm just too darn lazy right now to try and dig out some of my older Sandhill catalogs.
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Old July 15, 2011   #3
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I grew a Milka's Red Bulgarian this year and it was one of my most productive plants by pounds per plant. It was also one that produced some of the largest tomatoes I grew this year with the largest being slightly over 2 pounds.
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Old July 15, 2011   #4
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This is what they say on their website;

"I would love to have the time to answer each and every letter and e-mail that is sent, but some e-mails have such detailed questions that it would take days to answer these."

I know I have sent three e-mails in the past year with a one sentence question, and I only recieved an answer to one of the three e-mails.

I thought about seed production issues also, but they usually list those varieties in the catalog and indicate seed is not available for the current season. Its not a big deal. I was going to place an order and thought about adding Milka's to the order, and it wasn't listed. I just thought is was odd they offered Kroska and not Milka's.
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