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Old September 7, 2012   #1
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Default Purple haze plants, Carolyn

Hi Carolyn, you gave me the name of a Canadian grower who might have Purple Haze plants for next year and I can't find the thread. I would appreciate it if you could tell me again!!!
BTW, still no seeds from TomatoBob and I've emailed him.
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Old September 7, 2012   #2
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Originally Posted by SharonRossy View Post
Hi Carolyn, you gave me the name of a Canadian grower who might have Purple Haze plants for next year and I can't find the thread. I would appreciate it if you could tell me again!!!
BTW, still no seeds from TomatoBob and I've emailed him.
Sharon, please go back to DG and read the thread about Wild Boar Farms. I did mention several Canadian seed places but also said that I didn't think they would have plants, and that's b'c seeds of Purple Haze F1 are not sold. So that leaves Darrel's Selected Plants and Laurels site and I also noted that no live material could go across the border to Canada without a phytosanitary Certificate, at least I think I did, which are horrendously expensive, and also quoted from the SSE YEarbook on restrictions on sending live material from the US to Canada.

I also linked to Keith M's site and the page where all of his releases are described and pictured and you might want to copy down the names of some of the OP ones that have parental inputs similar to Purple Haze F1 and then go to Tania's site to see where seeds are sold.

Hope that helps. And I just rememered that someone offered you F2 seeds and I explained to you about that and the many folks who have been trying to stabilize an OP Purple Haze from the hybrid. So if you have to have a Purpole Haze you could take up the offer of the person who offered you those F2 seeds. But be sure to remember that at the F2 stage you can put out several plants and they could all be different and taste different from the F1 fruits but you might like the taste of 1 or 2 of them, and then it's a few ye3rs more until you can genetically stabilize those. And we'be throught that before and it's also discussed at Keith M's site and I gave you that link.

As for me, I'm still alive, you can tell b'c I'm typing and I haven't grown Purple Haze F1 and don't know if I ever will for several reasons. I know most say they like it very much but I have different priorities in what is grown for me now.
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Old September 8, 2012   #3
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Thanks Carolyn. For the life of me I could not remember the site or thread!!!! I'm glad you're still alive!!! Regarding PH, it's not like I have to have it. I'll check it out at the sources you mentioned. Anyways with all the other seeds I've ordered, I'm sure I'll be busy enough.
I know that there are very few sites that ship across the border anything live, even seeds for that matter.
I will check it out for sure. Keep breathing and keep on typing! We need your wisdom and experience!!!!!
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