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Old February 4, 2013   #1
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 28
Default Starting my seeds in Mississippi!

I have started some trees I had in cold treatment that will be dogwood trees, and I have some Bird of Pardise plants started. Last night I started 30 tomato plants of different variety and my merigolds.
I have a green house, but for now I have them in the house just to be on the safe side in case the heater is not enough and I do not have grow lights installed out there yet. Thats the next project! I just got my greenhouse up last year so it is a work in process.


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Old February 5, 2013   #2
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 177

I started my peppers about two weeks ago, and followed with tomatoes a week later.

For a couple of years I kept them inside under grow lights because of higher temps in the house. I was getting squeezed for space, and utlimately had a large accident while working with my girl (3 yrs old) on the plants. Big, big mix-up with the plants.

Last year I transferred the starts to my utility room off of the garage. Not perfect, but the temperature didn't seem to slow them down too much. I did upgrade to a better grow light in the process.
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Old February 5, 2013   #3
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 28

These will be moved to my green house next week, There is something wrong with my door that I need to fix, so I am a little scared to put them out there. I do not normally start mine in the house, but this was a must.
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Old February 5, 2013   #4
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Unless your door on the greenhouse won't close then they should be fine. I started mine in my small greenhouse and we had a few nights in the upper 20s but the seedlings were fine. If we have a real bark buster come in then I may have problems as there is no heat source other than the sun for the greenhouse.
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Old February 6, 2013   #5
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 177

^ Agree on this. I have a few pepper seeds in the house on a heat pad to get them started. and all the rest are in the room off the garage. The temperature is not as warm as I'd like it, but it'll do.
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Old February 6, 2013   #6
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 28

Yes my problem is my door will not close. Its a prefabbed greenhouse that we got on sale for a good price. Its like an easy up tent. the plastic connects and makes the frame, then it is draped by the plastic. The door is supposed to zipper closed, but it was tough to zipper one day and my husband forced it and broke the zipper. So were going to make a frame and cover it so I have a door that opens up like a normal door. We just have not gotten around to it. I have the opening draped with an old sheet and I have clips to keep it closed. This seems to work decently for now, and I have plants in there that are doing quite well, I have a heater in there and a fan, but I am still scared to put seedlings in there. So the next time we are home we will work on the door project and get the auto watering system I set up last year going again.

So for now, I just have a nice little set up inside the house! It looks strange but I feel safer about it. My MIL asks me every day how its coming along, she is excited about these plants getting started and the fact that she will not have to buy plants this year. She has been gardening for YEARS, and she did not fare well last year, so she would come to my house and pick mine for me while I was gone. But she still wants to try some at her house. But stated she will be picking off my vines agaon because I had the best tomato's in the county LOL
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