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Old July 31, 2015   #1
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Default Genes and Heart Shape

Hello Everyone:

I was reading a post from Starlight on Brads Black Heart and I started to get curious as to the genes at play for Heart shape.

I did a cursory search on TV and found that el (elongated) is the one. But I'm not completely satisfied with that explanation.

I understand there are many genes at play when it comes to shape:
SUN, OVATE, LC, FAS, Fs8.1, and others.

And inevitably, it seems I always come back to publications by the Vanderknapp Lab at Ohio State and a gentleman by the name of Rodriguez pops up quite often.

This guy's thesis proved to be a good starting point:

My question is this:

1) Is there a good review article on how all these QTLs/genes interact?

Thank you!

PS I have visited this one
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Old July 31, 2015   #2
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Hi Gerardo,
Here are a couple of full text articles on tomato shape genetics by the authors you mentioned:

from 2011, Distribution of SUN, OVATE, LC, and FAS in the Tomato Germplasm and the Relationship to Fruit Shape Diversity

from 2014, What lies beyond the eye: the molecular mechanisms regulating tomato fruit weight and shape.

This from Wang et al, 2015 is more of a review article but maybe a little off your topic:
Evolutionary developmental genetics of fruit morphological variation within the Solanaceae.

The search engine at the nlm is great and they have a fair bit of relevant material and a sidebar that links to reviews, you may find something more there.. (if so, please share! )
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Old August 1, 2015   #3
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Thanks bower, I have some good sat am reading for my coffee.

That first one I have in hand and already read, but the other two are about to be consumed.

I'll see where those articles take me and if I find something good I'll make sure to share!

Thanks again for the reply.
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