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Old March 25, 2016   #1
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Default BB's Family Garden - 2016

Let's start with an overview of what I am hoping to do in my garden this year, and what I have to work with.

I have four raised beds in my backyard, 42x42" and 6" deep. I'm planning on doing peas, beans, herbs and various greens in at least three of these, and likely summer squash in the fourth.

I have fifteen 5 gallon and ten 3.5 gallon food-grade buckets that I will put drainage holes in and use mainly for tomatoes for fresh eating. I may use 2 or 3 of those for additional (compact) summer squash. I also have ten or so square planters that are probably equivalent to 3 gallons, which will be used for peppers and a couple of eggplants.

I have one community garden plot, roughly 28x50'. It's located a ten minute drive away. I am hoping to keep the deer out with a fishing line fence (similar to this). I'd like to try the no-till method after I clear it of the small brush and sticks that litter it currently. What I would like to grow here is winter squash, okra, peppers and tomatoes for processing into sauce, juice, and salsa.

I am still finalizing my grow list but I have 50 or so milk jugs wintersown and sprouting already (flowers and herbs). I'll start my tomatoes and peppers within the next week or so but as my space under lights in the garage is very limited, I'll winter sow a few as well, My growing season averages 172 days so this method has been successful for me so far.

As a fairly new gardener (3 years) I've grown only a few kinds of tomatoes which did not produce to their potential due to failings on my part (Black Krim, Banana Legs, Sungold, SunSugar, Sweet 100, 4th of July, Indigo Rose) and cool-weather crops in containers I've managed better with (various greens, root crops, and peas). This year I have an ambitious grow list and loads of seed so I'll have the confidence to sow with abandon!
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Old March 25, 2016   #2
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Here is my community garden plot (inside the fence). I am really excited to have so much space this year! I won't plant out until mid-May so I still have some time to clear it and put down newspapers and straw. I am considering live mulching with white clover, and also deciding if I'll make rows or have blocks, square foot gardening style.
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Old March 25, 2016   #3
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That is a lot of good space. I understand your enthusiasm and wish you a great season. Enjoy!
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Old March 25, 2016   #4
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From one community gardener to another hope you have a great season!
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Old April 11, 2016   #5
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I have been busily sowing the following!!!


Black Cherry,
Black Krim,
Brad's Black Heart,
Cherokee Tiger Black Pear,
Sara Black,
Sleeping Lady,
Southern Night,
Cherokee Purple,
Cherokee Green,
Gail x Everett's Rusty Oxheart F5,
Lime Green Salad,
Malachite Box,
Orange Russian #117,
Sweet Ozark Orange,
Uluru Ochre,
Dwarf Arctic Rose,
Eva Purple Ball x Big Beef,
Crimson Jack,
Maglia Rosa,
Pink Accordion,
Rose de L'Omio,
Chico III,
Costoluto Genovese,
Supersweet 100 F1,
Amish Gold,
Lemon Drop,
Jack White,
Great White,
Ananas Noire,
Girl Girl's Weird Thing,
Lucky Tiger,
Northern Lights,
Polish Pastel,
Berkeley Tie Dye Pink


Blaze of Glory Mix (could be any of these: Hot Lemon, Hungarian Wax, Greek Pepperoncini, Jalapeño Early, Yellow Cayenne Hybrid)
Flavorburst Bell,
Leutschauer Paprika,
NuMex Big Jim,
NuMex Twilight,
Paradicsom Alaku Sarga Szentes,
Pinot Noir,
Syrian Three Sided,
Tangerine Dream,
Tobago Seasoning


I put up the fishing line fence and it seems to have been working - I haven't noticed any new signs of deer entering my community plot.
I will have to see if they still stay away when there are tempting plants in there! I've also made up a plan of how I'd like to have the layout.
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Old April 15, 2016   #6
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I have some stocky, strong little seedlings! These pictured sprouted two weeks ago, are about three inches tall and have been in my garage under lights (which has been in the 50's at night, low 70's daytime). They're getting potted up to solo cups today!

Also just sprouted this week in a hex tray are 35 others, with 11 waiting to germinate. We got snow this morning, which is a good reminder that even though our last frost date is in two weeks, I should wait until after Mother's Day to consider planting out.
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Old April 22, 2016   #7
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Michigan Zone 4b
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Wow! That is a nice sized garden space.. Good for you!

You have a nice list of tomatoes and your seedlings are looking really good and strong also.

Are you going to let your Armenian cucumbers sprawl, or are you planning on having them climb up a trellis of some kind? I grew them for a couple years up a trellis and they did really well. It saved a lot of space..

Good luck with your garden. I hope it is very productive for you. Just keep that fishing line fence in good order to keep the deer out. I know they hate stepping around lines and wires, and hopefully it will work well for you..

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Old April 22, 2016   #8
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I'll let the cukes sprawl. It looks like we may be moving in the fall so I'm not going to build upon the plot too much.

Thanks for the well wishes! I've got extra seedlings to hedge my bets, so I expect to have more produce than I know what to do with!
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Old May 1, 2016   #9
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Our weather is looking pretty favorable for planting out in the next few weeks. I know I should wait until after the 15th or so to be safe, but I am itching to get them out there!
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Old May 4, 2016   #10
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Potted up the rest of the sprouts today! I've also started hardening off the biggest dozen or so seedlings. Bring on spring!!!
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Old May 5, 2016   #11
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Location: Michigan Zone 4b
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Yay!! The seedlings are looking good. It wont be long now before you and I can plant tomatoes.. Well, I have to wait till about the first of June for planting out in the garden. I planted some a bit early last year and then we had one last heavy freeze. Despite covering with buckets and blankets, they got hit hard..

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Old May 5, 2016   #12
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That is a bummer! But like you say, not too much longer to go. I am 7a here so I'll be getting them out soon, maybe next weekend. Neighborhood maitenance were out testing the sprinklers today so I guess they expect we've had our last frost.
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Old May 7, 2016   #13
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Some unwelcome visitors have shown up - spider mites all over my seedlings! They seem to prefer the peppers. I've sprayed with neem oil and will keep close watch.
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Old May 16, 2016   #14
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Everything is starting to get going! I've been harvesting baby arugula for the past month or so, and soon we'll have snap peas. I am excited that the Gialla Nostrale vining zucchini that AlittleSalt sent has sprouted as well!
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Old May 20, 2016   #15
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Had an unfortunate incident last night when a box got blown about by a gust of wind and flattened about two dozen little tomato plants in their trays. I am not sure how long they were smushed for, but thankfully no stems were broken and they are perking back up this morning.
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