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Old August 13, 2016   #16
MrBig46's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Czech republic
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Perhaps it is not so important what we think. Any new variety must have characteristics which distinguish it from other varieties. That the gene bank has some samples does not mean that they are different varieties. These samples have never undergone any assessment of their novelty and stability and therefore has never been registered as a new variety.
I have no information that any intersection (Mikado x Sláva Porýní) x Solanum racemigerum) took place in CCCP, but I doubt it. Therefore, I think that this is just another name as Stupice or Moravský Div. About tomato Tamina this information I have. It was actually also tested in Czechoslovakia (the documents I have seen in ÚKZÚZ).

It is understandable that it is better to hybridize two tomatoes with RL than the one with the PL and one with RL. In today's F1 hybrids it is actually imperative that the first generation was a with unitary leafs.

There is one Czech variety arisen from crossing RxBxs that has RL. It's tomato Ostrava early (but not as early as Stupice), which was approved two years ago Stupice greenhouse in 1952. This variety is still used for F1 hybridization of new varieties.
A nice day Vladimír
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