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Old March 31, 2017   #1
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Default Carolyn

Hey, anybody seen Carolyn around here today?

Hope she's okay..
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Old March 31, 2017   #2
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Originally Posted by TC_Manhattan View Post
Hey, anybody seen Carolyn around here today?

Hope she's okay..
If I'm the Carolyn you are referring to yes,I've been here 3 X today already, but yes,there's been stuff going on as well.

Meaning,I have a tax problem,no, not being audited, asking for a 6 mo ext for both state and Federal, and that well,I didn't actually tell my tax man, but It's been all about spreadsheets for my seed producers to choose from, still haven't gotten seeds from either X or Y, S said they were sent 2 wks ago,from Europe, still hoping, then trying to figure the best way to do the actual seed offer,but before that doing a preview in the off topic Forum, and that since someone else will be doing the hard part of the seed , so lots of new info to share,then e-mailing R and F,to seed where seeds promised are, well,you get the picture.

And as I sit here at the computer there are 4 low windows looking out at the backyard, waiting for the two does to come down and say HI, their fawns,now almost a year old also came down yesterday, I called them Hoppy and Bouncy when they were small, they are a bit shy with me, their mothers are not.

Oh yes,and watching the snow come down as well.

So yes,I'm still alive, I think.

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Old April 1, 2017   #3
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
If I'm the Carolyn you are referring to yes,I've been here 3 X today already, but yes,there's been stuff going on as well.

Meaning,I have a tax problem,no, not being audited, asking for a 6 mo ext for both state and Federal, and that well,I didn't actually tell my tax man, but It's been all about spreadsheets for my seed producers to choose from, still haven't gotten seeds from either X or Y, S said they were sent 2 wks ago,from Europe, still hoping, then trying to figure the best way to do the actual seed offer,but before that doing a preview in the off topic Forum, and that since someone else will be doing the hard part of the seed , so lots of new info to share,then e-mailing R and F,to seed where seeds promised are, well,you get the picture.

And as I sit here at the computer there are 4 low windows looking out at the backyard, waiting for the two does to come down and say HI, their fawns,now almost a year old also came down yesterday, I called them Hoppy and Bouncy when they were small, they are a bit shy with me, their mothers are not.

Oh yes,and watching the snow come down as well.

So yes,I'm still alive, I think.


Well- Let me be the first to say-HALLELUJAH!!!

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Old April 1, 2017   #4
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Carolyn, I like watching the deer, squirrels, and the noisy birds. Now about the taxman - that's what they make shotguns for
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Old April 1, 2017   #5
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Well, I am certainly happy to see you're okay, Carolyn!

I guess I'm used to seeing you signed in, or spotting a new post by you so I was concerned.

This place is not the same without you!
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Old April 1, 2017   #6
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Originally Posted by TC_Manhattan View Post
Well, I am certainly happy to see you're okay, Carolyn!

I guess I'm used to seeing you signed in, or spotting a new post by you so I was concerned.

This place is not the same without you!
Thanks for being concerned, and I mean it,I'm concerned as well now that I'm homebound and trying not to fall again,nor having any kidney stones or severed quads or gall bladder surgeries,two of them,or on and on.

My brother,who is a member here but seldom posts,used to put up a thread when I was in the hospital for surgery,etc.,but he hasn't done that of late.Probably b/c I have too many body parts going bad as I age.

So fingers crossed, since the only way I'll get out of my home now is on a stretcher into an ambulance.

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