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Old June 28, 2007   #1
tomatoguy's Avatar
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Default My CPE is a freak...and other pics

I have grown Clear Pink Early for about 7 years now. I have never had one quite this size, though. I guess it is just because it is the first fruit. So far the other ones look about average size for CPE.

This is my first year to grow Stick. It sure is a funny looking bugger. I didn't know it would branch this much. Still no fruit on it but it was a late start.

Here is a pic of the garden taken this evening. For point of reference, the cages are 7 feet tall. The tallest plants in the left foreground are Granny Cantrell's German Red and the bogus Burgundy Traveler which is producing large cherry tomatoes so far. I tasted one fully ripe this afternoon and so did my wife. We concur that this is a really good tasting cherry. May have to save some seeds from this one. Perhaps between me and Bigcheef we can see if it is a stable variety.

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Old June 29, 2007   #2
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Lookin good kemosabe!

My Granny Cantrell’s didn’t turn out this year. Caught some type of wilt or blight and just doesn’t look like it’s going to make it.

Can’t believe the size and shape of that CPE. I thought they were more oblong shaped than that.

Looks like the harvest will be coming in for us here before too long.

Let me know if you need help stabilizing that Burgundy Cherry.


When I die don't bury me
In a box in a cold dark cemetery
Out in the garden would be much better
Cause I could be pushin up a home grown tomater

Lyrics by Guy Clark
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Old June 29, 2007   #3
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Well, the shape is pretty close. My CPE's in the past have looked a little more rounded than the one in the pic. Normally, though, they are about half that size. Still waiting to see whether the batch that will come in soon is going to grow any or go ahead and ripen. That's another unusual thing. Being a determinate, I usually get a bunch of tomatoes at once rather than one ahead of the rest. Pretty sure it is a genuine CPE, though.

Yup, will keep watching the "Burgundy Traveler" cherry and see if the plant itself is stable. I will have to check out other large cherries and see if it resembles anything else. My guess is an accidental cross but I won't know that until I grow out some more of the seeds I have.

Hope the season continues to be this good so we can have a lot of variety for our Labor Day taste test.

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