Originally Posted by b54red
I have been using the DE planting method for all my small seeded plants from broccoli to tomatoes for a long time now. I have to give Ray a big thank you for posting about it years ago. It has cut my awful problems with damping off to nearly non existent. With DE you have no nutrients so feeding the barely germinated plants is more important than with potting soil. I try to bottom feed all the young plants and use a variety of things and they all seem to work. I use standard Miracle Grow diluted to about 1/4 strength early on and any of the Urban Farms fertilizers diluted the same. I prefer the Miracle Grow with the just emerged seedlings and will switch sometimes to one of the Urban Farms products once the plants are a bit larger or ready to be potted up into standard potting soil.
Bill, it's hard to believe that was 8 years ago, time flies and I'm feeling old.