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Old April 27, 2006   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Abilene, TX zone 7
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Default DTMs and flowering

I was wondering if a plants date to maturity would affect when it started putting out blossoms. Is their any corrolation? Will a late season plant put on its blossoms later than a midseason plant given all other things such as transplant date, seed started at the same time, water, sun, etc. are the same?
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Old April 27, 2006   #2
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I was wondering if a plants date to maturity would affect when it started putting out blossoms. Is their any corrolation? Will a late season plant put on its blossoms later than a midseason plant given all other things such as transplant date, seed started at the same time, water, sun, etc. are the same?

The variability in DTM's, which are pure guesstimates anyway, is from time of setting out, not from blossom formation/fruit to ripe fruits, and some late season varieties will set blossoms/fruit before mid season ones, and some later, etc. Very variety specific which reflects their genetic makeup.

So I've seen no good correlation between mid season and late season varieties as to time of blossom formation/fruit set in terms of one being earlier than the other. At least that's been my personal experience.
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