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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old July 19, 2009   #1
rnewste's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Campbell, CA
Posts: 4,064
Default Container Mix Trials - Any Other Suggestions??

As the Miracle-Gro Potting Mix in both my EarthTainers and EarthBox is running a bit toward the "Wet" range, I am going to experiment with some "combo" blends of off-the-shelf potting mixes, then add in some amendments to both preserve the capillary wicking action, but reduce the overall moisture content per volume of the blend.

Here are the trials that I am planning on doing over the next month or so:

4:1 ratio Miracle-Gro potting mix and Cactus mix

4:1 ratio of Sta-Green potting mix and Cactus Mix

4:1 ratio of Miracle-Gro and Perlite

4:1 ratio of Sta-Green and Perlite

5:1 ratio of Miracle-Gro plus Perlite

5:1:1 ratio of Miracle-Gro plus Perlite plus Turface MVP

Are there any other ratios that you would suggest? Again, I want to start with a "baseline" of commercially available potting mixes that hobby gardeners can readily purchase, then add from there.

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