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Old August 4, 2006   #1
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Default SSE Yearbook..Ohh Carolyn...Craig...Someone Bossy...

Can ya get SSE to start offering it in soft copy? PDF maybe. Okay...I'll take any soft format. I can always convert it.
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Old August 4, 2006   #2
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That's been asked before, several times.

First, there isn't enough staff to do it that way so I'm told.

Second, the majority of SSE members do not have computers. So if there were enough staff, trying to go thru member by member, both listed and unlisted members, to satify the wants of each member could also be problematic.

As it is, just trying to get out the Yearbook and the Summer and Fall editions as well as updating other SSE publications takes all the staff and time available.

I don't think most folks realize how few folks are actually in the Office doing work all year long as opposed to the summer help re growing and seed saving.

But it's a good question to ask, and as I said, has been asked before, but at this time it does not look possible for the reasons I gave above.
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Old August 4, 2006   #3
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I am very surprised by this.

My information I send them is on a piece of handwritten
paper. Now, I know that they don't just photocopy that
and print that in the yearbook each winter.
So, someone, somewhere is typing the info in. I'd hope this
would be into a computer, which means by all accounts,
they have a soft copy already. A simple free pdf writer
could then print it to pdf, and there you go. Put it up on the
web for member to access....

Maybe I'm missing something, but I suspect the real reason
to not having it, is to limit its circulation to members....
Once something is available in softcopy to one person... it's available to everyone. It would be posted here and at GW
and at Dave's Garden, etc.....

I really wouldn't want the likes of O-nut having my address available online.....

By the way, I'd love a soft copy just for database info if
nothing else..... Send me the tomato section only!

Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put one in a fruit salad.

Cuostralee - The best thing on sliced bread.
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Old August 4, 2006   #4
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Originally Posted by Lee
I really wouldn't want the likes of O-nut having my address available online.....


I concur.

Unfortunately, mine IS available online because the domain registrar I used doesn't offer private registrations.

I'm moving it to one that does, the moment it comes up for renewal.

One last word of farewell, Dear Master and Mistress.

Whenever you visit my grave,

say to yourselves with regret

but also with happiness in your hearts

at the remembrance of my long happy life with you:

"Here lies one who loved us and whom we loved."

No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you,

and not all the power of death

can keep my spirit

from wagging a grateful tail.
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Old August 4, 2006   #5
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Perhaps we could each take 10 pages (tomato section only) and enter them by hand into the computer to make our own little database here..... A good project while waiting for the dwarves from down under!

Unless of course someone has a good scanner with great
OCR software.....

Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put one in a fruit salad.

Cuostralee - The best thing on sliced bread.
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Old August 4, 2006   #6
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The address issue is a valid concern. I'm in the process of converting the melon and watermelon sections for my use. They aren't huge so scanning and running OCR isn't painful work. Soft copy doesn't need to contain the section that lists members information. But I can see limiting the distribution too. I wouldn't mind having the tomato sections. I lack the internal fortitude to convert that puppy.
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