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Old August 13, 2006   #1
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Default Unknown amazing tomato.

I had a tom yesterday with unbelievably intense flavor. It was very sweet and had a complex lingering flavor. The seed for this plant originated from a old Sicilian guy who got them from his mothers farm. The unripe tomatoes have a darkgreen skin on the top 1/3 and lighter skin on the lower 2/3. It is a RL variety. The closest picture I could find online to what it looks(in color) like is on the TGS website under oxhearts, although I don't think the shape is distinctly oxheart. The fruits on this plant were rather small, but the cultivator claimed they are usually much bigger(the plant was not taken care of properly this year). Anyways I was really impressed by the intense flavor of this tomato, and saved seed from it to grow next year. Any one have a guess as to what it might be?

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Old August 13, 2006   #2
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Unless a variet comes to you already IDed there's no way to tell what the variet might be as compared to known varieties .

And that's b'c there are maybe 12,000 known OP's, of which maybe 4-5,000 are available commercially.

So enjoy it for what it is.

Perhaps you could ask the family about naming it after getting all the background information that you can in order to do so.
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