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Old March 4, 2013   #1
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Default Buddy Runyon

All new varieties sent to me I put in a manila envelope with 2013 season written on it and leave them in the original envelopes if I need to contact someone about what they sent. Not all do give me contact info.

And in listing them in my data notebook I came up with one that had no associated envelope, so I'm stumped.

The seeds are in a 2 X 2 plastic zip-loc bag with a blue piece of paper that reads:

Buddy Runyon tomato seeds with no more information. The seeds are beautiful, all nice and beige and declumped, as it were.

I've Googled it with no results, I checked Tania's data base, I doubt I'd find anything at Tomodori or Ventmarin.

Does anyone here recognize what this variety might be?

Considering the few other places where I read and sometimes post, I think it might have come from a Tville member.

So fingers crossed.

As it is I'm amost up to 80 new varieties, and that's without once source with lots of new ones coming from overseas.

And I know that the folks who help me with seed production can't handle all of those b'c they all have their own tomatoes to grow aas well.

So I know I'm going to disappoint some folks, but it looks like all the seeds are from 2012, as marked, so there's always next year, which may work out even better if it's a lean year on new ones as it was in 2010.

Thanks in advance for any info about Buddy Runyon.

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Old March 4, 2013   #2
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Carolyn, those are seeds that I sent you with information about the origin. I am not sure when I sent them, but probably when we were exchanging seeds for Ted's Pink Currant. If you need me to email the information please let me know. This is Just a working name for an variety I received seeds from folks who had grown for a long time.
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Old March 4, 2013   #3
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Originally Posted by nancyruhl View Post
Carolyn, those are seeds that I sent you with information about the origin. I am not sure when I sent them, but probably when we were exchanging seeds for Ted's Pink Currant. If you need me to email the information please let me know. This is Just a working name for an variety I received seeds from folks who had grown for a long time.
I remember that you sent me the two Polish varieties on their commercial packs as well as a large number of Ted's Pink Currant seeds and i guess this one was in that padded mailer as well.

How it got seperated from the others I don't know.

My question is, is it stable and I can then send it to one of the folks who will be doing seed production for me.

And by this summer you may have a more permanent name for it, and I don't remember any info you sent me in that padded mailer and I may or may not have it still out there, I don't know.

I have to type up my whole list and send it to the persons helping me, and next to each one I usually write something like indet, indet large red, or the like, and for many don't even have that much info, so if you could just post here plant habit and fruit color and shape, that would be great.

Carolyn, feeling much better now knowing at least where the seeds came from and having contact with Nancy, for sure.
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Old March 4, 2013   #4
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Indeterminate. Long thin meaty red paste tomato with very good sweet flavor. Some fuit had somewhat curled tip. Mid season. Family heirloom from Long Island where it was grown and continues to be grown in the "salt flats" with little attention. Very productive keeping neighbors supplied all summer. Buddy Runyon is a good name for the variety. He has since passed away, but the garden is still maintained by the current resident and the tomato continues to be grown there. I put it in our last fundraising plant sale, and got great reviews back.

Hope that helps.
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Old March 4, 2013   #5
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Originally Posted by nancyruhl View Post
Indeterminate. Long thin meaty red paste tomato with very good sweet flavor. Some fuit had somewhat curled tip. Mid season. Family heirloom from Long Island where it was grown and continues to be grown in the "salt flats" with little attention. Very productive keeping neighbors supplied all summer. Buddy Runyon is a good name for the variety. He has since passed away, but the garden is still maintained by the current resident and the tomato continues to be grown there. I put it in our last fundraising plant sale, and got great reviews back.

Hope that helps.
Thanks so much Nancy. I'll cut and paste that info to an e-mail and send it to myself and then dock it where I know it is stored.

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Old June 26, 2014   #6
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I am growing Buddy this year with seeds from the giveaway. Perhaps my labelling got mixed up but what I have as Buddy is not a paste... its a small/medium round fruit that's going from orange to reddish. I'm not sure when its considered ready...
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Old June 26, 2014   #7
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Wow, that's weird. Mine have been long tapered
red paste tomatoes, almost like a red banana pepper.
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Old June 26, 2014   #8
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Originally Posted by luigiwu View Post
I am growing Buddy this year with seeds from the giveaway. Perhaps my labelling got mixed up but what I have as Buddy is not a paste... its a small/medium round fruit that's going from orange to reddish. I'm not sure when its considered ready...
Just noted that Nancy beat me viz posting.

Luigiwu, by saying that your seeds were from the giveaway, do you mean my seed offer or do you mean from Tormatos ( Gary) offer. And for either possibility what year did you request thes eeds?

Having read your question as emed to me here at home, I've spent quite a bit of time looking into this.

I first offered Buddy Runyon, right now Nancy,I can't remember if you provided the seeds I distributed, I think so, in my 2013 seed offer or ifone ofmy seed producers did so, and noted it was a long red paste in the 2013 seed offer,

Then asked nancy for more info and she wrote:

(Indeterminate. Long thin meaty red paste tomato with very good sweet flavor. Some fruit had somewhat curled tip. Mid season. Family heirloom from Long Island where it was grown and continues to be grown in the "salt flats" with little attention. Very productive keeping neighbors supplied all summer. Buddy Runyon is a good name for the variety. He has since passed away, but the garden is still maintained by the current resident and the tomato continues to be grown there. I put it in our last fundraising plant sale, and got great reviews back.)

I then looked in the Fall 2013 performance thread but no one mentioned it, which does not mean that it was not requested, it just means that every year not all who participate in my seed offer do post feedback, which is actually a requirement for participating in my seed offer.

I didn't check the Fall perfromance thread for 2014 and there's no way that I can remember who might have requested it b'c I send the reqest slips back with the seeds.

So that's what I know.

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Old July 8, 2014   #9
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Hi Carolyn,
I got the seeds from your seed offer this year. Here is another one from the same plant:

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Old July 8, 2014   #10
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Originally Posted by luigiwu View Post
Hi Carolyn,
I got the seeds from your seed offer this year. Here is another one from the same plant:

I would have sent about 6 to7 seeds. Of those how many did you sow, supposed to sow all of them, ahem, how many plants did you get and plant out and how many of those plants had fruits like the one you pictured?

Need to decide if just one plant and possibly a stray seed of something else, or cross pollinated seeds, in which case I'm hoping that folks will report back this Fall when I put up the performance thread.

Thanks for the feedback b'c it does help, and please remember to post in the Fall performance thread.

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Old July 8, 2014   #11
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I am not growing this one, but a heads up on the description. Nancy and I had traded messages about it. From Long Beach Island, NJ not Long Island NY.
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Old July 9, 2014   #12
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Carolyn, I sowed them all and gave away all but 1 plant since I only have room for one of each type. I want to say I got at least 3 or 4. (I'll have to check my records.) Too bad or else, I could check to see if the other seeds produced fruit like this or something closer to a paste...
Of course it could just be mislabelling.
I am supposedly growing this year:
-Sandul Moldovan
-Maglia Rosa
-Barlow Jap
-Annie B's Green
-Black Krim
-Zolotoe Serdtse
-Sweet Orange Ozark
-Eva Purple Ball
-Prudens Purple
-Ania Cherry
-Fish Lake Oxheart
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