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Old December 14, 2006   #1
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You are not seeing double.

If you take two pictures, but shift the camera just about 3” sideways (distance between your eyes) You will have two pictures which when viewed in a 3D viewer, becomes one three dimensional picture.

You can buy a 3D viewer or make one using two identical magnifying glasses.

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Old December 14, 2006   #2
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What about a scratch and sniff panel?
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Old December 14, 2006   #3
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To view it, do you diverge (relax) or converge (cross) your eyes?

Answered my own question. It's diverge. If you converge, the image appears inside out.
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Old December 14, 2006   #4
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Originally Posted by feldon27
To view it, do you diverge (relax) or converge (cross) your eyes?

Answered my own question. It's diverge. If you converge, the image appears inside out.
I am not too sure. It takes just a little trying to get the two images merge. It feels like your are crossing your eyes.

They do sell a lens attachment ($50) to go infront of your digital camera to take 3D pictures. But I don't see why it would be so difficult to just take two pictures.

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Old December 14, 2006   #5
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If you have some kind of frame with a perfectly level, perfectly horizontal piece of wood, then you could slide the camera to the left or right to get the second eye.
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Old December 14, 2006   #6
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Man this aint workin, doe's it help to drink beer?

Makes my eyes hurt!!!!

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Old December 14, 2006   #7
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I can see it now, it's two people walking a pink tiger on a red beach, right?
Lets see...$10 for Worth and $5 for Fusion, man. Tomatoes are expensive!

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Old December 14, 2006   #8
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Originally Posted by Worth1
Man this aint workin, doe's it help to drink beer?

Makes my eyes hurt!!!!

Don't be silly. You shouldn't drink beer with your eyes!!

You need a 3D viewer (shown above) to make it easier to view. Or make your own using two identical magnifying glasses. It also helps to have a barrier between the two pictures.

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Old December 15, 2006   #9
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Those "Magic Eye" random dot stereograms that were a big fad in the 90's required you to diverge your eyes, forcing them to look further away than the object you wanted to look at. It was helpful to hold the image about 6 inches from your face and look just over the top of the image at the floor or the person in front of you. Some people reported success looking at stereograms printed on reflective paper and trying to focus your eyes not on the image, but on the reflection of yourself or nearby light fixtures. I finally learned how to see these when I had a lot of free time (wisdom teeth coming out gives you plenty of that) and repeatedly and slowly pulled the book away from my face an inch at a time until the image finally snapped into focus.

The stereo pair images you see like the tomato plant posted by dcarch are sometimes Converged and sometimes Diverged. In other words, whether the image on the left and the image on the right have been swapped.

It can be VERY challenging to view a large stereo pair as you must force your eyes to both look straight ahead, as if you were looking at something very far away.

I find stereo pairs easier to see if they are made available in the Converted (crossed eyes) setup, where the left and right image are swapped. Then you just cross your eyes and look at it and the image locks into focus almost immediately.

This animation shows roughly the stages my eyes go through when I converge the Tomato stereo pair posted by dcach:

Fortunately there is software, 3D glasses, and "shutter" glasses to help people who have trouble with these images. Stereo viewing really is breathtaking when done right, as you can perceive exactly what the object looks like in 3 dimensions from a single stereo pair.

Clear as mud?
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Old December 15, 2006   #10
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Anyone been to one of those 4D theatres. Went to one at Movieworld on the gold coast earlier this year. They are the ones where you wear the 3D glasses and the 4th dimension is the movement of your seat and other physical effects. We saw a Shreck preview. In one scene hundreds of spiders appear right in front of your face then drop to the floor. As this happens jets of air blow around your ankles. You should have heard the screams and seen the site of folks quickly bending over to brush off the spiders LOL. Was a bit gross when the donkey sneezes and water shoots out of the seat in front of you straight in your face. Great fun
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Old December 15, 2006   #11
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Originally Posted by Mantis
Anyone been to one of those 4D theatres. --------------Great fun
I saw one of those iMax 3D movies some time ago. One word: stunning realism!!

With double density DVD, high definition TV, cheap flat monitors, inexpensive digital cameras, ---etc., and driven by the gaming industry, 3 dimensional media will be very common place.

Also, Microsoft Mapping is digitizing the entire earth in 3D.

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