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Old February 20, 2007   #1
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Default Raspberry Tomatoes?

Someone was very kind and sent me quite few varieties of maters. A few of them are called "Raspberry Giant" & "Rasp. Giant Pointed". I could not find any info on them. Any info would be totally appreciated. Thanks
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Old February 20, 2007   #2
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Actually there two tomato varieties with similar name which can be translated in English as Raspberry Giant :wink:

Malinowy Olbrzym - ~Raspberry Giant (Polish>Eng.)*mid-late, indet. 1.5-2 m tall potato leaf plant with a high yield of raspberry-pink, oblate, ribbed 200-300 g fruits, good sweet flavor. From Polish CV PNOS Ozarow Mazowiecki

Malinovyi Gigant - ~Raspberry Giant (Rus.>Eng.), midseason, semi-det. plant with a good yield of raspberry-pink, oblate 300-600 g fruits, good sweet flavor. Russian amaterish variety
1 kg=2.2 lb , 1 m=39,37 in , 1 oz=28.35 g , 1 ft=30.48 cm , 1 lb= 0,4536 kg , 1 in=2.54 cm , 1 l = 0.26 gallon , 0 C=32 F

Andrey a.k.a. TOMATODOR
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Old February 20, 2007   #3
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Here we go again with some possible conflicting info, or addtional info, I don't know which.

And this is similar to the Amber-Colored story that's still here on this Forum, well, at least partially.

SSE got a variety called Raspberry-Colored from Marie Danilenko in the former Soviet Union and that's the one that I've grown and still have old seeds sitting in a vial and also, I think, offered them in one of those two seed offers at GW where I did offer about 300 varieties.

OK, so that's one and while I can't remember the details of what I got I know the fruits were pink and on the small side. And I think I just called it Raspberry, not Raspberry Colored.

Then there's the entry in the 2006 Yearbook by Bill Minkey who got a variety called Raspberry from John Smarz in Australia which Bill describes as indet, RL with large 8-16 oz fruits and says some were " round, some irregular shapes, some ribbed, some had green shoulders.

Then in the 2007 Yearbook SSE lists a Raspberry, no variety info given, and says it's from Reinhard Kraft who says it's from Australia. ( And I have to think that that one is from John to Reinhard)

And I know I've also seen one called Malinowy, as Andrey just posted, also in the Yearbook, but I didn't take the time to go fetch that info.

Flower, have you asked the person who sent them to you for more information? I ask only b'c of the irregular nature of the fruits that Bill described for the one from JOhn in Australia and wonder if someone made a selection, or whatever, and that's the one called Raspberry Giant Pointed?
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Old February 20, 2007   #4
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that's all because people don't use original names for varieties they have got :wink:

There are several more Polish varieties with the word "Malinowy" in their names

Malinowy Ozarowski
Malinowy Warszawski

I'm sure Reinhard or John can cut the end of original names :wink:

By the way, you can easily identify if this is a Polish or former Soviet variety, because "raspberry" is written in different way in Russian language (Malinovy) and in Polish language (Malinowy) :wink:

Malinovy Gigant is the one which usually bear some fruits with irregular shapes, but as far as I remember it has got potato type foliage

And regarding Marie Danilenko as I mentioned before she probably gave SSE too many fromer Soviet varieties with wrong and non-original (translated) names. There can't be Russian tomato variety with the name Raspberry Colored. Only Malinovy!
1 kg=2.2 lb , 1 m=39,37 in , 1 oz=28.35 g , 1 ft=30.48 cm , 1 lb= 0,4536 kg , 1 in=2.54 cm , 1 l = 0.26 gallon , 0 C=32 F

Andrey a.k.a. TOMATODOR
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Old February 20, 2007   #5
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Thanks Andrey and Dr. Carolyn for your replies. I looked more closely at the packs. What I thought were someone's initials (B.S.) actually stand for ''Beefsteak". (Duh, I should have noticed that.) So it says "Raspberry Giant Beefsteak".

There are also a few more with Russian names that I cannot find. Some seem to be just names of cities or regions.
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